Castiel Imagine

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Castiel imagine

You had your gun out, ready to go around the corner. The demons were being particularly difficult, and you were getting annoyed. Sam and Dean were with you, somewhere else in the building. You went around the corner carefully, and lucky for you nothing was there. You continued your search, resting your gun on the wrist carrying your flashlight. You hear a noise behind you and before you can even turn around arms grab you. You let out a shout of surprise as you are disarmed, and dragged away to a large cold room. You spot Sam and Dean chained to a wall, and know all hope is gone.

The demon throws you on the grown and turns you to face him. "Such a pretty little face....shame I have to ruin it." At these words he lifted his knife and put a gash in your face, from under your left eye to the bottom of your chin. You wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of hurting you, even when he started the knife on you arms, digging the blade into your skin. "I will kill you." You manage out, and the demon laughs. He has spiky brown hair and bright piercing green eyes that now bore into yours. And he laughs. "Silly little girl, do you think so?" Then he raises the knife and jams it into your right thigh, twisting it around. You cant help but scream in pain, and he throws you against the wall, chaining you alongside Sam and Dean. He looks at his captives with a smirk, and leaves. You hang your head and can't help but let a few tears out.

"Y/N, don't cry. Please. We will survive this." You hear Dean mumble, and you smile. You reach and mange to grab his hand, and on the other side of you you grab Sams hand. You all fall into silence, until you suddenly shout "Cas!" Sam looks over at you strangely, but you're already praying. "Cas we need you now more than ever please come Cas please." You look down and a tear drips off your nose. "Please. For me." You all wait a moment, and then you hear the sound of wings. You look up and see Cas, and a smile fills your face. "Cas!" Sam shouts, "behind you!" Cas turns swiftly and kills the demon behind him, and then rushes over to the three of you. He gets to work on your chains, and when they are done you fall to the ground. Cas bends down to heal you, and you wave him away. "Sam and Dean first." He nods and stands up, getting them down.

Sam and Dean help you up, and Cas leads you all out, killing demons for you guys. You all make it to the Impala, and your breathing is becoming labored. Dean looks worried and grabs Cas. "Heal her she's dying!" He shouts, and Cas places a hand on your head. "Y/N, this is going to be quite painful. I expect you find something to hold on to." Sam is instantly by your side, holding your hand and taking off his belt, putting it in your mouth. "Dean, hold her waist. Make sure she doesn't try to run." Cas instructs, and Dean wraps his arms around your waist. You lean against the Impala, ad when Cas asks if you're ready, you nod.

He starts with your thigh, sending bright lights into it. It causes a searing pain, as though he lit a fire, shoved it into your thigh, and then poured a bucket of lemon juice over it. You grasp Sams hand and bite down hard on the belt, overwhelmed with pain. Cas moves up onto your arms, stomach, and neck. He is at your face, and he looks so upset at the tears running down it. "I'm so sorry Y/N. Just this last bit." He raises a hand to your face, and it hurts. The pain is like none you have ever felt. Your whole head is being burned, frozen, cut open, and stabbed at the same time. You scream through the belt, Dean holds your waist tighter, and then it's over. You go limp in Deans arms, letting Sams hand go. You take deep breaths, and Dean lays you in the back of the Impala. Cas looks over at you sadly, before starting on Sam.

You can hear the boys muffled shouts as Cas fixes them up, and then it's all over. You pull yourself out of the back and see Sam and Dean laying on the hood of the car. They are fine, resting and watching the stars. You also look up at the stars, they are more beautiful than ever. Then you turn to see Cas, and smile. "Thanks Cas, for saving us and all." You say, and he looks over at you.

"I wouldn't let you die. Any of you. I promise." He answers, and you can't help but hug him. At first, he does not respond, but then you feel his arms wrap around you. You pull a little away from him, and look up into his dazzling blue eyes. You start to lean upwards as Cas leans down, for once knowing what to do as a human would.

Your lips touch in the middle, and the kiss starts out hesitant at first, but gets more passionate as it goes on. You are leaning against the Impala, Cas against you. His hands rest on your waist, yours wrapped loosely around his neck. The kiss deepens slightly when you nibble his bottom lip, but the moment is ruined when Dean shouts "STOP MAKING OUT ON MY BABY!" You and Cas pull apart fast, looking over to see a smirking Sam and a slightly annoyed Dean. "C'mon, lets go home." Sam tells you, and as you climb in the back you notice Cas is gone. Yet you smile to yourself, cause you know he will be back.

That night, once you were all in bed, you felt a sudden body in the bed next to you, and a pair of arms around your waist. You smile, and look over. "Hello Cas." Is all you say, giving him a quick loving kiss. You can feel him smile once you've turned back over. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Cas tells you, and even though he doesn't sleep, he stays with you all night.

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