Mirror image, not good...not good

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I spin around, falling off my knees and onto the floor, to face to smirking man behind me. When it finally sinks in that my move has brought me closer to the girl I scramble to get away...even if that means getting closer to the man. 

Noticing my frantic actions the man chuckles and shoves me away from him. "Something wrong sweety?" the man mocks me as he saunters over to an over-turned bucket in the corner of the room and sits down. 

I try to sit up and scoot away from the whimpering girl, but slip and fall face first onto the ground. A metalic smell fills my nose and my eyelashes stick together when I try to blink away the slick substance. 

Panic completely takes control of my brain as it regesters the puddle of blood I slipped and fell in. 

"Oh my god" I manage, glancing over at the insane man sitting the corner. I recoil when I notice him twirling a knife in his hands and a hand gun sitting in his lap. 

The girl has scooted closer to me and is muttering more frantically. I try to get away from her again, but the blood halts me escape and slids me closer to the mutilated girl. 

When my head slams down nears her bruised and bleeding one I manage to catch to words she's muttering at me: "Get out. Get out now. He never wanted you. Not me. The brick, get the brick. Take back the leaf. Mirror image, not good...not good."

My scrambled mind tries to grasp the meaning of her words, but the sound of the man getting up stops my thoughts. I stare wide-eyes at him as he raises his gun and aims it at the girl. 

"What the fuck are you saying? I told you not to fucking say anything bitch." He unlocks the safety as her ramblings continue. "I said shut the fuck up!" he yells at her as he pulls the trigger. 

The girl screams as the bullet hits its target and buries itself in her already bleeding leg. Another shot send a bullet into her twisted arm. 

I shoot my eyes from his murderous face to the gun, now pointed in my direction. He starts walking in my direction, the gun shaking in his grasp. 

My eyes shoot quickly to the unconcious girl next to me and I see fresh puddles of blood leaking out from her wounds. The warm blood is soaking my converse and once white jeans.

The man's boot steps down on my hand, clenched into a fist in an attempt to distract myself, and crushes it. I scream in reaction in the man chuckles humorlessly.

"Did you hear me bitch? Don't listen to what the fuck up says; I love you, that's why you're here. She was a mistake, but you could be okay. You don't have to worry" I shoot my eyes to him in shock.

Okay?! The fucking asshole kidnapped me. I open my mouth to tell him such, but the reply dies in my throat when he buries the knife he'd been paying with earlier in my side. 

I choke back the blood that threatens to spill out of my mouth, but my arms fall from beneath me and I collapse. 

I know the knife hasn't pierced any of my organs, but the blackness and stars that are covering my eyes shows me that I'm losing more blood than is safe. 

I hear them man whimper before laughing maniacally. "Shit" he whimpers "Shit. I didn't mean to do that...I didn't fucking mean to do that..."

What the hell? I think before the blackness finally closes in on me.

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