Not a team

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The day passed, and we shared our leads. Nothing too different except some coordinates. We had both gotten different locations, each one directly across from the other. One was in Blüdhaven, one in Gotham. That was their plan. To keep me and Bruce apart. Heh, probably afraid of us. We were a pretty great... duo. Not a team. Not a family. Never...

Well never would be a lie. Maybe once. Until Bruce shut everyone out. Jason had a major impact on him. He also couldn't stand my wants to be a part of something bigger, someone bigger. I joined the Titans and became Nightwing, but that's all history.

History... that's it! Both locations were historical! A museum and a church! Then it hit me! This whole mission is about our history. That means my parents are obviously involved. Maybe he wanted some cash from them? Or to steal something after they passed or...
He wanted me dead. In a casket beside my parents. That's probably how it always was. The reason he targeted me. He could get a lot of cash from somebody to sell a hero. Maybe the court of owls? The joker? Anybody would pay lots to have my life ended, and even more for my dead body. If Bruce knew he'd kill them! Okay, maybe not. He wouldn't kill for Jason, so it doesn't even matter. Besides, he probably already knows, the leafs were hiding in plain sight. No average con-man could trick the batman, well, that was what I thought.

Beep! Beep! I heard a sound coming from the computer. Crime. Bruce left as soon as he first beep was heard, and I was left alone. Well not alone, with Alfred.

"Hey Alfred, could you make me some lunch?"

"Sure master Richard. Want a burger or something?" He hollered back. That's when I knew something was wrong. Alfred couldn't have changed that much since last time. Every day he made cucumber sandwiches for lunch! So I jolted out of my seat and threw a punch, only to be shot by a tranquilizer gun. Shiiink! I was down...

Authors note: wow! It's been a while, sorry this chapter isn't the longest. The chapters in this book may not be the longest but they're action packed! Enjoy this new part, the first actual part in 2017! Love ya!

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 06, 2017 ⏰

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