{Chapter 2}

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"Hey isn't that-"

"Juli!" Natsu exclaimed! "Wow that was an easy catch let's go!" Wow! He was seriously going to back stab me like that? My other side was trying to force it's way through my good side but then-

"Natsu we can't do that." Lucy stepped in. "She's a member now, she's a part of our family. You didn't turn me in when everything with Phantom Lord happened." Everybody shriveled at the thought of the events that took place with the battle over Lucy. The Fairy Tail Guild Hall was destroyed and Lucy was almost beaten to her death.

"You faught for me, you didn't turn me in. So we're not turning her in."
Lucy's words made my whole body feel warm. My heart smiled at her kind and caring words. I've never felt wanted before. I felt my eyes water and I faced away from the scene.

"Thank you Lucy. That was very kind of you." I bowed. Just then MiraJane, Elfman, and Lissana walked into the guild. Mira had her eyes locked on me. She's new! I'm going to talk to her! I hope she's friendly. Mira thought.

"Hi, I'm MiraJane. You must be..."

"Juli, I am Juli. Nice to meet you Mira, Elfman, and Lissana." How did she know our names!? Thought both Lissana and Elfman.

"She uses an ancient mind magic if you were wondering how she knew your names." Gajeel spoke up.

"Gajeel, Juvia doesn't think it's polite to eat with your mouth full of iron." Juvia says. "Juvia wants to know more about Julie's mind magic."

"Well..." I start. "My mind magic has the ability to do all types of things with the mind. For instance... Say if Natsu refused to knock on Lucy's door." Lucy snickered and Natsu was deciding whether or not to burn a hole through me. "I could make him knock on the door."

"I can also see your thoughts as actual visual images. For see your actions before you proceed them. Like at this very moment Gajeel is thinking about performing today. And now since Natsu knows that he's getting ready to throw a chair a him." Both Dragon Slayers cursed under there breath. "Sorry I ruined your element of surprise guys." I said smirking.

"I can also look through your eyes and what your mind is gathering. So basically if I could look through all of your minds right now I would see the guild and me explaining to the guild about my magic. What does she mean by 'if I could look through all your minds' can't she already do that?

"Not all at the same time Gray." I replied. "My magic has a limit of two people's mind to be controlled. If I were to control each of your minds at the same time I wouldn't be able to hold together." I explained. "I can hear what you're thinking as you're thinking it, so if a time comes that you think something and I respond out of nowhere, someone thought something."

I wonder if she would like to go fishing with me. Thought Happy.

"Of course I would go fishing with you." I nodded.

"Aye!" Chirped Happy.

"That is all about my magic you need to know." I concluded. As I said that Natsu stood up on the table accidentally knocking down Erza's Strawberry Cake.

"My... Strawberry Cake!" Erza yelled. Oh boy... Here we go again. Thought Lucy. Soon the guild erupted with chaos.

I traveled to Northern Magnolia, shortly after the chaos at the guild started. I was looking for a small place to rent since it's just me and my very few things. The setting sun left the river with a golden glow almost. I took a deep breath of the fresh air that surrounds me. I'm finally free. I thought to myself. I saw a sign that said apartment for rent and I went to check it out.

It was a nice cozy one bedroom home. With a dinning room and kitchen. The bathroom had white and yellow diamond tiles with a marvel sink and counter. Just like the kitchen. My bedroom and the dinning room had cream colored walls with a polished wooden floor. The living room had and aburn color to it. The house was fully furnished so I didn't have to spend that much Jewel on furniture. All I had to get was food and house accories. "NATSU! HAPPY! GO THROUGH THE DOOR!" Well I know what I'm going to be hearing every night now... I should put an end to that.

"Geez Lucy calm down. We just wanted to talk." Happy explained

"You still could've went through the door." Lucy muttered. "What was so important that you had to come through the window?"

"It's about that Juli girl." Natsu spoke. This really caught my attention. "Lucy I have a bad feeling about her. Her power seems of the chart and it's very strange. It's like a mixture of evil and good at the same time." Damn Dragon Slayers. Always barging in to people's life and thinking they know everything. But he was correct. My mind magic can be used for both good and evil. I decided to go for a walk an pick up a few things as the argument fired up.

I grabbed my keys off of the counter and went food shopping. The closet market nearby was down the river. I got there at dark. What is she doing out at this time of night? It's not safe.

"I'll be fine Gray, you can come out."

"How did you- oh, nevermind. I was just worried about you that's all."

"Awww big tough Gray has a soft spot for women." I teased.

"Oh shut up." He rolled his eyes. What is Juvia's precious Gray doing with her. It's like he likes her or something. No he couldn't like her he deserves Juvia. Yes Juvia should be with Gray. Juvia does not allow Gray dating that other girl. Oh, so Juvia was following Gray huh?

"I'm not sure how long she's been doing it but Juvia is following you." I whispered in his ear.

"I know. She does it all the time." Gray sighed. Then he changed the subject. "The way you talk is really strange. You speak like you're from another time then you speak like you're from this time."

"Ah, you've noticed. It's just me I'm not sure why though. I would say it's because of the mind magic but my f- father." I winced at the mention of him. "Also uses mind magic and he doesn't speak like me."

"So is this your place?" Gray asked as we walked up to my house.


"You live next to Lucy. Don't worry if she starts yelling and being bossy. It's mostly because when we're there we come through the window. She gets pissed off every time." Gray chuckled as he shook his head.

"If I were her I would do the same thing." I chuckled. "Well I'll see you around." I waved.

"See ya." And we parted ways.


Ooooh someone's jealous. Juli was getting a little flirty there. I'm not sure if Gray noticed the stutter when Juli said 'father' Juli is probably catching feelings for Gray and vice versa. What do you think will happen between Natsu and Juli though... Chapter 2 complete.

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