Chapter 2

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In the night of Tatooine, Leia and Grace came out of the light, the lights disappears and they went to Jabba the Hut's palace

They sneaked into the room where they had Han captive, Grace saw him and said "Han"

"Don't worry I'll sent him free" Leia said "you might want to step back"

As Grace stepped back, Leia turned it on, then Han turned red, the stone was melting and Han was back but he fell down

"Ouch" Grace said

Leia helped him up and she said in a robot voice "just relax for a moment, you're free of the carbonite. Shh, you have hibernation sickness"

"I can't see" Han said

"Your eyesight will return in time" she said

"Where am I?" Han asked

"Jabba's palace" she said

"Who are you?" Han asked

Leia took of her helmet and said "someone who loves you"

"Leia" Han said and they kissed

Grace came to them, she held Han's hand and he said "who's that?"

"Someone who you rescued from the Death Star" Grace said

"Grace?" Han said as he touched her cheek and they hugged

"We got to get you out of here" Leia said as she and Grace help him stand up


"What's that?" Han said

"Definitely not Santa Claus" Grace said to herself


"I know that laugh" Han said

The curtain opened behind them, they turn and see Jabba with C3PO and the other creatures

When Jabba was speaking in Huttese, Han said "hey Jabba, look Jabba, I was just on my way to pay you back and I got a little sidetracked, it's not my fault"

"It's too late for that, Solo. You may have been a good smuggler, but now you're Bantha fodder" Jabba said in Huttese and the creatures laughed

"Look" Han said

"Take him away" Jabba said in Huttese

"Jabba, I'll pay you triple" Han said as he was taken away "you're throwing away a fortune, don't be fool"

"Han" Grace cries, then as the other guards were about to take Leia and Grace, Jabba stopped them

"Bring them to me" he said in Huttese and they did

"We have powerful friends" Leia said to Jabba "you're going to regret this"

"I'm sure" he said in Huttese then he sticked his tongue out making Leia grossed out

"Oh, I can't bear to watch" C3PO said as he turns around, covering his eyes

"You're telling me" Grace said when she covered her eyes

A while later, Leia was dressed as Jabba's slave but Grace was still in her white dress but she was chained by Jabba, she was next to Leia who was comforting her cause Grace was scared and then they saw Luke coming

"Luke" Grace whispers

"At last, Master Luke's come to rescue me" C3PO said

"Master" Bib Fortuna said and Jabba woke up "may I present Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight?"

"I told you not to admit him!" Jabba said in Huttese

"I must be allowed to speak" Luke said

"He must be allowed to speak" Bib Fortuna said

Then Jabba grabs Bib Fortuna and said in Huttese "you weak minded fool! He's using an old Jedi mind trick"

Jabba shoves Bib Fortuna aside

"You will bring Captain Solo and the Wookie to me" Luke said

"Your mind power will not work on me, boy" Jabba laughed

"Nevertheless, I'm taking Captain Solo and his friends" Luke said "you can either profit by this or be destroyed, it's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers"

"Master Luke you're standing on" C3PO tries to say to Luke

"There will be no bargain, young Jedi" Jabba said in Huttese "I shall enjoy watching you die"

Then Luke used the force to grab the gun but a creature stopped him, Jabba pushed a button making Luke and the creature fall in the trap door

Then a giant creature came out of it's cage

"Oh no, the rancor" C3PO panicked and Leia and Grace sees the creature gathered around the trap door

Then a guard put his hand on Grace's shoulder, making her look up and she sees Lando in the helmet, Lando shows Grace that he has a plan

After the Rancor ate the creature, it picked Luke up and about to eat him

"I can't look" Grace said as she turns away and placed her face at a pillow. But luckily he got a bone in it's mouth, made the Rancor drop him, Luke tried to escape but the door was locked, but he saw a button for the cage that the Rancor came out of, he picked a rock up, threw to the button and the side door crushed the Rancor to death, when the guards came in, Luke got out

"Bring me Solo and the Wookie" Jabba said in Huttese "they will all suffer for this outrage" and Lando went off

The guards got Luke, Han and Chewie

"Are you alright?" Luke asked Han

"Fine, together again, huh?" Han said

"Wouldn't miss it" Luke said

"How are we doing?" Han asked

"Same as always" Luke said

"That bad huh?" Han said "where's Leia and Grace"

"We're here" Leia said

Jabba was speaking in Huttese

"Oh dear. His high exaltedness, the Great Jabba the Hutt, has decreed that you are to be terminated immediately" C3PO said

"Good, I hate long waits" Han said

"You will therefore be taken to the Dune Sea, and cast into the pit of Carkoon, the nesting place of the all-powerful Sarlaac" C3PO said

"Doesn't sound so bad" Han said

"In his belly you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as you are slowly digested over a 1,000 years" C3PO said

"On second thought, let's pass on that, huh?" Han said

"You should have bargained" Luke said then the guards took Luke, Han and Chewie away "that's the last mistake you'll ever make"

Jabba laughed when Grace screamed "NO" as she was trying to get to them, but Jabba pulled her with the chain

"it's alright Grace" Leia comforts Grace "we'll think of something"

Grace's Adventure In Star Wars: Return Of The JediWhere stories live. Discover now