Chapter 1

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It was around night time at the orphanage, Miss Fickle was in a really bad mood that she took her anger out of Grace

Miss Fickle threw Grace into the wall and yell "THAT'S IT, I HAD IT WITH YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT"

"Miss Fickle, please" Grace begged

"You're gonna treat me with some respect" Miss Fickle said when she pushes Grace into her room and it made her fell "no one here is going to save you this time, now go to sleep and no dinner for you tonight!" and slams the door

Martha was out of town and Lilly had a cold so she had to stay in her room so Grace and the other girls won't catch her cold

Grace stood up, lie down to her bed and started whimper in her sleep

Then a while later, the wind came and the light appeared, it made Grace woke up, she looked up and saw the light but this time there was a person in a black suit with the helmet came out of the light and it made Grace a bit scared

"Don't be scared, I'm here to rescue you" the person said

"Who are you?" Grace asked in fear

Then the person took the helmet off and it was Leia

"Leia?!" Grace said when she stood on her bed, jumped into Leia's arms and they hugged

"Grace, are you okay?" Leia said when she notices bruises on her when she went to her and puts her hand on Grace's face "what happened to you?"

Grace said "I've been beaten up by Miss Fickle again"

Leia sighed and said "I'm so sorry you had to go through it a lot"

"Yeah, but I'm so happy you're here" Grace said as she hugs her "wait, how did you?"

"When I saw that light appeared, I knew that it comes for you and I think it's for the best that I can come to you" Leia said "come on, let's go rescue Han"

Grace nodded and said "right, let's do it"

They went into the light and it disappeared

Grace's Adventure In Star Wars: Return Of The JediWhere stories live. Discover now