It hurt to look at her because I couldn't touch her. She wasn't mine and I wasn't hers. It hurt because I couldn't imagine myself with someone so beautiful. I couldn't imagine her feeling the same way about me as I do her. Maybe it was her last boyfriend who made me so insecure; him being a complete opposite of me. Or maybe it was the fact that she intimidated me. Made me nervous.

I started to get nervous as we approached my apartment. Had I cleaned it up? Is there still empty takeout boxed sitting around? Are my clothes scattered around? Did it smell weird in there?

Oh god.

Nerves swarmed me while we made our way up to my room. Would she think it was cheap or lame compared to hers? Considering she lived in a 5-star apartment complex. I unlocked my door, and turned the light on. She stepped in and closed the door behind her. I looked around, letting out a sigh or relief as I realized it wasn't messy. Before I knew it, I heard the pitter patter of my dogs feet, making his way to the front door. I watched in horror as Arabella's eyes widened.

Oh no I'm so stupid. I didn't even ask if she liked dogs. What if she was allergic to them? What if I end up killing her because she's allergic to them? This is a disaster.

But my fears faded away as I saw a smile creep on her face. She leaned down onto her knees, laughing as Sam swarmed her face with kisses. He wagged his tail and jumped around excitedly.

"Aw you're such a sweet boy", she coo'ed.

"I'm sorry I didn't even bother to ask if you liked dogs or anything?", I bit my lip, looking towards Arabella as she pet Sam.

She stood up and looked at me, while still petting Sam.

"Oh my god, no I love dogs", I don't think I've ever seen such a big smile on Arabella's face. It was contagious; because soon I found myself smiling.

I took mine and Arabella's coats, hanging them on the rack.

"Can I get you something to drink? Or eat?", I suggested, walking towards my kitchen.

"Um can I just have some water", she spoke over her laughter, Sam jumping up and licking her face.

"Hey Sam! Down", I scolded my dog, afraid maybe he would knock her over or something.

"He's okay. He's such a good boy", she walked towards the kitchen, Sam following her.

"What kinda breed is he?", she took the glass of water as I held it out for her.

"He's a Australian Shepherd", I leaned against the counter, admiring Arabella as she admired my dog.

"What movie do you wanna start with?", I spoke.

"Anything", she watched as I walked over towards my movie stand.

"Well come pick one", my eyes browsed the movies.

"How about this one?", she pulled out the Descent.

"Ooh that's a good one. Sure", I spoke as I grabbed the movie, my hands brushing hers. I pulled my hand away quickly, hoping she wouldn't take notice of my flustered state.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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