Entry 1 Part 1: 1st February 2014

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Dear Diary,

That sounds awful, like a 5 year old’s diary. I’ll ignore it and just tell everything that happened like a story, I guess. No one will ever read this, anyway. Here goes.

“Come on, Lydia!” I rolled my eyes at Cassie’s irritated voice travelling up the stairs and through the house.
“One minute, Cass!” I shouted back, finishing my make up quickly, then snatching my bag from the floor and running down the stairs. Cassie’s light brown hair had been gently curled and she looked much older than her 10 years. For Christmas, our parents had got her two second row tickets to go and see Taylor Swift on the 1st February, on the one condition that one of them or I took her. Guess who ended up drawing the short straw? That’s right. Me. The only reason I was even vaguely looking forward to it is because a new-ish band called The Vamps were supporting, and Cassie had played their songs over, and over, and over again, and I suppose they were quite good. We got on the tube and Cassie put her headphones in. It was about half an hour to the O2, and we were planning to get there at about 6:30 as the show started at 6:45, but, as Cassie was an extremely impatient 10 year old, we were early. To pass the time, I played Flappy Bird. Which led me to swear a bit. Which led to strange looks from people. Then when I had finally beaten my feeble high score of 3 and got to 13, we reached our stop. We jumped up from our seats and slipped through the quickly closing doors.
“Okay, we have 25 minutes until it’s supposed to start, so what do you want to do?” Unhelpfully, Cassie shrugged her shoulders in response to my question. “There’s a Starbucks over there – we’ll get a drink.” As we walked through the doors to the O2, a wall of sound hit us and almost propelled us backwards. Hundreds of people were drifting around aimlessly as 22 played over the speakers, difficult to hear over the noise of talking and excitement. We pushed through the crowds into the virtually familiar warmth of Starbucks and ordered a drink. As the barista started making the hot chocolate and coffee, I overheard three girls behind us talking about The Vamps.
“So, who’s your favourite? Mine’s definitely Brad.” One of the girls asked. The other two looked at her with disbelief on their faces.
“Brad? Really, Izzy? What about James? I mean, those green eyes, the guitar, the quiff, the abs…” She trailed off dreamily and ‘Izzy’ slapped her lightly on the arm.
“No, guys, Con’s the best. He can play bass so well, and he’s so cute!” The third girl squealed a little after speaking, then finally we were handed two take away cups and left the café. Cassie found a relatively quiet corner of the foyer and we leant against the wall.
“Some people get way too into boy bands. Seriously.” She said knowledgably, and I laughed at her tone. She scoffed at me and I frowned at her.
“Cassandra, remember who brought you here tonight, who gave up their Saturday night for you, to see some standard music that I don’t really like, and I can just take you back home now. So, be nice.” I replied sternly, taking the big sister role seriously right now. The 7 year age gap between us was definitely something that Cassie didn’t like. Suddenly, as we were staring each other down, an announcement came over the speakers, ordering us to take our seats. There was an immediate crush of people going towards the doors and we followed the wave to our seats. I had to admit, our parents had done well with the seats – second row from the front, slap bang in the middle. Minutes later, the lights dimmed and an annoyingly excited presenter came on stage.
“O2 Arena, are you ready?” Unenthusiastically, I copied everyone else and cheered in response. “First up today, they’ve just released their second single…” Here screams of enthusiasm could be heard from the audience, and from Cassie. “There’s four of them, Bradley, James, Connor and Tristan, but I think you know them better as… The Vamps!” Overwhelmingly loud clapping, shouting and general commotion took over and 4 teenage boys ran onto the stage, one holding an acoustic guitar and one holding a bass.
“Hi, I’m Brad.” The short, brown haired one said, standing at the front of the stage.
“I’m Connor.” The blonde bassist followed, giving a small wave as he did so.
“I’m James, and I am so excited to be playing here, supporting Taylor Swift. She’s inspired me for 5 years, and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her.” The tall guitarist spoke clearly, and I heard a few girls giggle and say how cute he was.
“And, after that lovely speech, I’m Tristan.” The blonde drummer who was wearing a dark green bandana sat down behind the drum kit and Brad introduced their first song, Can We Dance. Due to having a little sister who overplays pretty much every song, I knew all the words, but it was much better live. After they had finished their set, which included a new song, Last Night, they went off stage and the presenter came back on. For some reason, every time I closed my eyes, I could see an image of the drummer burned into my brain. 

AN: Okay, so Lydia's first diary entry! This is slightly different from my other stories as it will be all from Lydia's POV and it is told in diary entries. I hope you like it!
QOTD: Who's better, S Club 7, Scouting for Girls or Mumford and Sons? If you don't know who they are, I suggest you go and look them up :) Updates won't be as quick as they once were, because I have loads of exams coming up, but I haven't forgotten about TATB, Surface or the one-shots! 

Cicely x

Last Night - Tristan Evans/The Vamps fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now