chapter // two

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autumn 2006


"Autumn, come play with me!"

Harry tried to shove her but she remained in her seat with a book in her lap. "We haven't been outside for ages!" Harry always thought he could make Autumn do anything, but in reality Autumn had took the reins immediately and frankly, Harry didn't mind, up until now that is. "Please?" He knew she couldn't resist his adorable smile and his cute dimples. "Okay." Autumn carefully folded the corner of the book and placed it beside her on the coffee table. "Let's go."

In a minimum of time, Harry ran after Autumn while they both chased each other in an open field. "I'll get you, you bloody midget!" They both screamed and their loud chatter could be heard from a mile away.

Reaching the top of the hill, Harry pointed at the tree in the middle of a meddow, maybe 20 feet away. "The person whose there first gets to have an extra cookie!" "3...2...1..GO." Screamed Autumn while she immediately began to sprint towards the tree. Harry took the lead but suddenly stopped halfway, looking horrified. Autumn jogged over to him and put her tiny little hand in his.

Then she saw the dead man dangling.

winter 2006


"It's been exactly a month since she found the dead body." Autumn could hear her father talking to someone while she sat on the stairs with a pencil and paper in her lap. "Why is she still acting like this?" The other man, whom Autumn had never seen before, wrote something down in his little black notebook and scratched his knee.

"Our team of specialists think she has created her own little fantasy world, Patrick. Her mom and the dead man made quite an impact on her and we think her brain couldn't handle it anymore."

"But she's always writing, Richard, she used to hate making up her own stories; she'd rather read a book." Autumn knew her dad wanted to help her but he simply didn't know how, because the only thing that could help her right now was her dead mother.

"Bear with her Patrick, she'll come around." She heard the steps of the man's shoes and she ran upstairs and put her pencil in the ink.

"Dear Harry,

I tend to get lonely sometimes,
But that's ok.
I tend to cry sometimes,
But that's ok.
I hate being alone
But I know I have you;
And you make everything alright again."

Autumn didn't know that writing her first short poem would give her such a feeling of power, love and calmness. It certainly wouldn't be her last, and she didn't know that Harry would be her inspiration in a lot of stories.

Spring 2008

"Could you please go with me, Harry?" Her voice cracked while the tears streamed down her face. He had just opened the door for his best friend and was immediately taken aback when he saw his best friend crying, wearing a red summer dress. "Of course I'll come." He grabbed his coat and followed her outside, signing when he saw te grey sky above his head. "It's going to rain, Autumn, you should get your coat." She shook her head. "I wasn't wearing a coat when mom died."

The two best friends walked to the graveyard in silence, holding each others hands. When they stood in front of her mother's stone she sucked in her breath and peered through her thick eyelashes. She didn't know she was crying until she felt his hand wiping her tears away. "It's okay, you can cry." Her porcelain skin pressed against his warm abdomen, his hands in her soft hair, her eyes fixated on the stone while she told him the story of how her mother died; he always knew exactly what to do when she was feeling sad and she was very thankful. She may have not always told him how much he had helped her through the year, but he knew by looking in her eyes that he meant the world to her, and he felt the exact same way.

"I was wearing a red summer dress when I saw her get hit by a car."


A/N: sorry for the late update, I'm so busy oh god. Tried to make this chapter longer and more interesting #failedmiserably

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