3rd Point of View

As Elijah was walking down the basement stairs to check on his daggered brother he stopped at the smell of blood, human blood, so he races down the stairs to the coffin which was open and empty but then Elijah heard a pained groan from the corner of the room. It was a girl with blood dripping from her neck. Elijah sped to her side and bit into his wrist and gave to the girl so she can drink, Elijah watched with careful eyes as she healed.

"K-Klaus, he compelled m-me to lift th-the desiccation spell if he was e-ever in that position," she groaned
"Why now?" Elijah asked
"I *gulps* tried so hard to fight the compulsion. I would move somewhere far away if you were close b-but it was too strong. I've heard stories about what Klaus does and trust me when I say that I wouldn't do it if I had another choice," she whimpered
"Well you didn't try harder," Elijah states
"I know. I'm so s-" she got cut off by Elijah ripping her heart out. Elijah stands and drops the heart on the floor. He pulls out his phone and called someone that he hoped to never bother again.
"Hello?" They answered
"We have a problem," Elijah said, voice filled with dread

Damon's Point of View

"Klaus is awake," Elijah reveals
"WHAT!" I screamed eyes widening
"He compelled a witch to wake him up and she did," Elijah said grimly
"Why wasn't he in a more secure place?" I asked annoyed
"He was!" He grumbled
"Was that place your front yard!" I said sarcastically
"Don't get smart with me, Damon," He said annoyed
"I'm sorry there's something about big evil hybrids hunting Elena's family down that bugs me," I said sarcastically
"I'm pretty sure he might be there now so watch out you know his tricks," he said
"Okay I'll tell Stefan," I said hanging up and calling Stefan.
"What?" He answered
"Brother, we have a problem," I said gravely
"If this is about that missing blood bag you keep screaming about-" he started
"No! Klaus' back and he might be in town," I cut him off
"What! No! He can't be," he said confused
"But he is, Little Brother. Is Ella with you?" I asked worried
"No. She's with Jo, Bonnie's granddaughter," He answered
"Okay good. She's with a witch," I said relieved
"Actually Jo hasn't tapped into her powers yet," Stefan said
"Then find her, Stefan. We can't let Ella go through what Elena went through," I ordered
"Okay I will," He said hanging up

Ella's Point of View

I walk to the restaurant, where I met up with my best friend, Josie Bennett. She spent the past two years studying in Europe and she arrived two weeks ago.

"Hey Jo! How was Europe?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows making her laugh.
"It was great! The clothes, the accents, the food-"
"The boys?" I asked
"Well... Actually my friend set me up on this date and you won't believe it, but the guy stood me up," She recalled, rolling her eyes at the memory
"Aw! Were you afraid that your date came and saw you and left?" I said jokingly
"Ouch!" She laughed throwing a fry at me.
We chatted some more until we left the Grill and started walking to some cafe.

"So Grams told me that I'm psychic! Like her side of the family were like salem witches," She laughed
"Oh my gosh," I laughed with her
"And so I said to her 'Grams, have you been taking your meds?' And she said 'I have, what about you?'" She said laughing harder and I laugh along with her and we walked inside the Starbucks and then Jo suddenly stopped.

"1 o' clock, guy at the counter," she said with a smile
"All I see is back," I said bluntly
"A hot back," She said back
"Okay. C'mon I want my coffee," I laughed pulling her hand
"I'm sensing New York and he's an artist," she said
"So you're really running this psychic thing to the ground, are you?" I laughed
"Yeah pretty much," she laughs
"Okay well, tell me if I'm go- Oh my gosh!" I bump into someone and the coffee spills on my top
"Oh no!" A British voice says and I look up and see the guy at the counter, he had blonde hair and blue eyes.
'Wow! Jo's right. He's kinda hot' I thought
"That's okay I was going for the spilled coffee stain look today anyway," I said with a small smile
"Well I feel bad," he said
"No it's okay!" I assure him
"How about as payment, I take you to dinner tomorrow night?" He asks
"Well you're smooth but sure!" I chuckled
"Great! How about we meet here?" He said
"That sounds great!" I said
"Can I have your number?" He asks
"Yeah sure," I said smiling
"And your name?" He asked
"Ella," I answered offering to shake his hand
"Nice to meet you Ella, I'm Klaus, Klaus Mikaelson," he said shaking my hand with a smirk.

(OMG! Klaus met Ella!!! What do you think about the chapter? I actually think it's kinda short but as the book goes on it will get longer I promise you!)

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