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I sat there awkwardly, looking at the menu, trying to decide what to order. Once in a while, I'd glance up at Bex looking at her menu, then she'd glance up at me too and smiled.

I haven't really said a word because I didn't know what to say. Why did she need me? Did she need me as in gang related need me? Or need me as in she 'needed me in her life because she couldn't live without me' needed me?

I'm so confused.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks as she puts her menu down.

"You." I say, also putting my menu down.

She blushes and smiles a little, "you were?"

"What did you mean when you said you needed me?" I blurt out.

Her smile drops, "oh, you were thinking about that."

I raise an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"There's just a lot of things you can't know at the moment, Alex," she sighs, leaning back in her chair, "its complicated."

"I don't see what's so complicated," I say, crossing my arms.

"Well right now, of course you don't," she says, "but after you know everything, you'll see."

"Then tell me everything I need to know."

She shakes her head, "I can't. I can't bring you into that life."

"You already have." I point out.

She sighs and looks at me, "I'll tell you some things, but I can't tell you certain things so don't expect an answer to everything."

I nod, "so what did Grayson say to the other gang?"

"How do you know about that?" she raises an eyebrow, leaning into the table, resting her arms on it.

"John told me last night after I ran upstairs," I answer, "but he didn't tell me what exactly Grayson said."

She nods, "well I can't tell you that at the moment."

"Oh." I look down,

"Ask something else, princess."

"Well.. how did you get into the gang? And become the boss?" I ask. I was always really curious on how she became the leader of the gang considering she looked younger than everyone else.

"Now that, I can tell you," she smiles, "so my dad was originally the head of the gang, and as a teen, I'd come around here a lot even though my father forbid me to because he didn't want me to become one of them. After a while the gang started to become like my second family and they would teach me things like how to defend myself and about the drug exchanges they do and whatnot--"

"Are you ladies ready to order?" A waitress came over, clicking her pen.

"Go away, I'm talking," Bex waved her off.

"Excuse me?" she raised an eyebrow.

Bex looked at her and raised her eyebrow also, giving her the 'go the fuck away or else' look.

"Just give us a few minutes," I say politely.

She rolls her eyes and walks off.

"Fucking bitch." Bex mutters under her breath.

"Just go on with the story," I say, wanting to know more.

"Right," she says clearing her throat, "anyways, my father didn't like that I was getting too close to the gang cause there were consequences that came along with that."


"There's been a couple times Patrick sent a few of his gang members to kill me," she explains.

"My father got angry and at one point he just completely shut me out of the gang and I wasn't allowed near them or wasn't allowed to visit them. But that didn't stop Patrick," she goes on, "he sent a girl to spy on me. Her name was Amelia and at the time, I didn't know."

"I had met her in a coffee shop, when she accidentally spilled coffee all over me and at the time I wasn't into commitments or anything like that, and we started to hang out almost everyday to the point where we got so close... and then she started to fall in love with me." she pauses, "but I didn't love her. It was all fun and games for me. So after she admitted her love, and I rejected her.. she told me she worked for Patrick and told him a lot of shit."

I listened. To every word she said. I was so intrigued about everything. I didn't know why but I was. I could listen to her talk about her past, for hours.

"And," she sighs deeply, "some things got around and my father ended up getting killed."

"I'm sorry," I say quietly as I watched her. She had a frown of her face.

"Sometimes I blame myself for losing him," she shakes her head, "I said things to Amelia that I shouldn't have."

"It wasn't your fault Bex," I rest my hand on hers, "you didn't know.. there was nothing you could do."

She looks up at me and gives a small smile.

"So after I got the news that they killed him.. the whole gang wanted me to take over because they thought I could handle it."

"Can you?" I ask, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Does it look like I can?" she smiles and shakes her head, "I fuck up a lot."

"How old were you when you took over?" I ask.

"It was actually about four years ago so I was eighteen."

Wow. I could never think of taking such a huge responsibility like that at this age.

"What about your mom?"

"She completely lost contact with me when she found out I took over. She was scared that I would drag my brother and sister into it." she shrugs, "but I still keep in contact with my sister every once in a while.."

I nod, "well that's good." I smiled.

"Thank you." she smiles back.



I couldn't help but blush.

"Well shall we order?" I say as I see the waitress about to walk by.

I look over at Bex and see her eyes widen by something behind me.

"Alex," she says slowly, "don't turn around."

My eyes widen by the tone in her voice. I was scared to turn around but somehow I was so eager to see what she was looking at.

She looked angry yet, scared.

I quickly turn around and the moment my eyes see what she's seeing, my heart shatters into a million pieces.

Holy fuck.

A/N: What do you think it is?

Lock in your answers!

Lol I sound like a game show.


If this chapter does, within two days, I'll do a double update.


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