Watching him laugh, Maroon started to laugh along, just finding his laughter amusing. Soon enough, they were both laughing. Maroon laid on the bed next to him, their arms touching as their chest shook with happiness. Once their laughter died down, Maroon still not knowing what had caused it, but was happy either way. 

Maroon rested her cheek in her palm as she laid sideways, smiling at Caleb. He turned his head and looked at her, his blue eyes large. Caleb took Maroon’s hand from her and played with it, tracing the lines in her fingers. She moved to place her shoulder on Caleb’s shoulder, taking comfort in his closeness and presence. Maroon’s eyes started to close as his heart beat soothed her, his chest rising and falling lulling her, and the tracing on her hands calms her. Maroon felt in complete peace. Just her and him.

Her mind drifted as she thought about everything that she had learned since she met Caleb. She learned about werewolves, mates. She was told the truth about Viva, which had both freed and broken her. She learned about her past. About her family. And about her baby sister, Olive. Who she just as quickly lost.

Maroon twisted her neck and body more closer towards Caleb as she tried not to cry. She hated crying, she felt so weak and vulnerable in front of Caleb and wanted to stay strong. But it was so hard, being strong for everyone, especially herself. 

Caleb stopped playing with her hand and must of sensed her sadness as he turned and pulled her near him, comforting her as her first of many tears started to fall. Even with what Caleb had said, she still felt like she was to blame. Her mother was right, she should have just stayed with Caleb and then Olive would still be alive. 

“Shh,” Caleb lulled to her, rubbed her back soothingly and kissing her forehead gently. “I’m here.” Maroon untangled her arms and wrapped them around Caleb’s neck, hugging him. He always knew what to say, and she always believed him. 

It was late out and Maroon could not get herself to fall asleep. She would listen to Caleb’s even breathes and beating heart hoping it would lull her to sleep, but didn’t. Caleb was asleep, holding her to him, his chest rising and falling.

Maroon decided to get up and get some food since she hadn’t eaten in a while and she was now starving. She removed her arms from Caleb’s neck, but lingered as she placed a hand on his soft cheek, caressing it with care. She had trouble removing Caleb’s tight hold on her, but soon enough managed to do so without waking him. 

She slipped out of the room and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. The house seemed to be empty and quiet, seeing as it was two in the morning and everyone was asleep. A few people were away, but didn’t take notice to her.

Entering the kitchen, Maroon went over to check the fridge. She found an drawer with assorted fruits and picked up a sweet and fresh looking green apple. She closed the fridge and cleaned off the apple in the sink and pulled herself up to sit on the counter. She took a bite of the apple and sighed as she chewed.

There was an loud explosion as the kitchen back door slammed open and in stalked a large, growling wolf. It didn’t seem to fit in the kitchen, but managed as it entered and let out a long howl, frightening Maroon. She removed herself from the counter and cowered away, terrified. This wolf looked angry and she wasn’t about to try and calm it.

“Maroon?” She heard her name called from upstairs. Suddenly Caleb stood in the doorway looked stressed as he stared at the wolf before looking around and finally noticing her standing up against the wall, her green eyes wide with fright as she couldn’t take her eyes from him.

Caleb bolted next to Maroon and embraced her and kissed her neck sweetly. She would of melted at his touch if it wasn’t for the wolf that was still shooting daggers at them. Caleb pulled away but kept his arm around her waist tightly, and turned to the wolf.

“What happened?” Caleb questioned, staring at the wolf. The wolf must of responded through mind link as Maroon watched the wolf then Caleb. His eyes grew wide and he looked angry. “Go. Do what you can. I’ll be there in just a second.”

“Duke!” Caleb shouted. A man with a strong build, wide shoulders, and huge, bulging arms appeared out of nowhere and stared expressionless at Caleb.

“Yes Alpha?” Duke asked, lowering he head in respect.

“Watch Maroon. Don’t let her out of your sight. Protect her.” Caleb ordered, his eyes stern. He then turned to Maroon, “Maroon, I want you to go back up to the room and wait for me to return. I’ll be back. Don’t let anyone in the room, except me. Duke will be right outside the door, so if anything happens, just shout and he’ll hear you.” Caleb explained, before kissing her lips and running out the door after the wolf.

Maroon watched as Caleb ran outside and swiftly shifted into a large, black wolf. She stared stunned at the wolf. How could that large of a wolf be Caleb?

“Luna. We must go now.” Duke stated, gesturing an arm towards her. She nodded and followed, darting her eyes towards the destroyed door that Caleb had left through.

“Duke. What is going on? Why did Caleb leave?” Maroon questioned, looking up at him as they ascended the stairs up towards her room. 

Duke didn’t respond as they reached the door and he opened it before gesturing for her to enter. She asked him again, annoyed, but he still didn’t answer. So instead she did as Duke and Caleb wanted her to and she entered the room, Duke shutting it behind her. She was left alone.

She frowned before sighing loudly and plopped down on the bed. Was there an attack? Is that why Caleb left? Was he fighting? What if he was hurt? What if that was the last time she will ever see him? 

Maroon then sat up, shaking her head, ridding the thoughts. Caleb would return, he promised he would never leave her and she trust him to keep that promise. Caleb is strong and can handle himself.

Maroon removed herself from the bed and walked over towards the vanity table and sat at the bench. She stared at herself in the mirror. She looked so different. Her neck didn’t have any sign of bites at all, something she would never had seen when she was with Viva. Her body and skin looked clear and white, healthy. Her hair had grown since she had left, about a inch or so and she couldn’t help but smile. She was happy with Caleb, her mate. 

Maroon noticed the necklace still secured around her neck. The necklace Viva had given her that he promised would protect her. She unhooked it and ripped it off, disgusted she had let it stay on her neck for so long. She didn’t want anything to do with Viva, she wanted noting more than to forget him forever. She just wanted to move on with Caleb, start new.

She looked down at her fingers too, seeing the ring Viva had also given her for her birthday last year. She pulled it off and stared at it. It was just plain silver with a symbol in the middle. She took the necklace and the ring and picked them up into her hand, they suddenly felt hundred pounds heavier. She walked towards the balcony and opened the door before taking the jewelry and chucking it out the window.

She smiled in satisfaction and turned around, shutting the doors behind her. 

“That wasn’t very nice, Maroon.” Someone whispered behind her. Maroon spun around only to find him standing right in front of her, his body only a few inches from hers. 


I didn't edit this and wrote it scattered through out a two days so sorry if it wasn't the best. Hope you enjoyed it anyway. Any questions? :)

Question: What was the attack about that caused Caleb to leave? And Viva has returned, how do you think Maroon will react? What about Maroon? What will she say or do?

Comment and vote if you liked! :)

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