My date

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Hey guys so this is a sum up of what happened in the last chapter.

Jason beats up Johanna because of how David touched her and then beat her up until she fell unconscious. Jo had a dream where Anthony and Tori were kissing and she shot them in the head.

Love you guys

'i don't even know the lady and she called me a son of a beach' the Italian man who went to Malta






I realise that the tapping came form the window. Somehow I was in PJ's. That son of beach (hahah) he better not of tried anything or else he won't be able to reproduce. I get up and open the window and Anthony is there.

"What ?" I hiss

"You're late. Let me come up" he says. I step back and he's already at sat at my window. He comes in and his eyes drop onto my face.

"I don't remember anybody beating you like that" Anthony growls

"It was Jason" I mumble

"He what" he yells

"He hit me because David touched my cheek then I shouted at my brother" I cry letting the tears out. He pulls me into his chest and I cry on his chest loudly. He strokes my hair.

"He's gonna pay for that" Anthony growls

"No Anthony he will kill you" I sob

"He'll have to try come on let's get you cleaned up" he says. He picks me up bridal style and sits me on the bed. He bites his wrist and offers it to me.

"Here drink this it will take away the bruising and cuts" he says. I place his wrist to my lips and gently let the blood pour into my mouth. Immediately the pain from my head, stomach and face disappear. I pull his wrist away and wipe the blood from my mouth. It was not soo bad it dosent taste like our blood it tastes sweet.

"Your face has blood on all over" Athony says. I go to the bath room and start to wash away the blood. Couple of minutes later there is no sign of being beaten.

"You look good" Anthony confirms

"Thanks. Sorry I'm late I fell unconsious last night" I say. He hugs me and buried his face in my hair.

"It's OK. Hurry up I can't wait" he says childishly. I put shorts and a white top on that covers the shorts. I put on my blue converse.

"See ya in a minute" I say, I kiss his cheek and rush out of the door down to the kitchen. Everybody is in the kitchen eating at the wooden table. They glanse at me then take another look.

"Jo your face is healed" Jason points out in a shocking tone.

"What ? Oh yeah" I say. I grab an apple and bite into it.

"How did your face heal ?" Jason asks

"I sneaked out of the window then I went to go clear some air then I ran onto a group of vampires and they healed me again" I say. Tori starts to chocke on her food while everybody looks at me in shock.

"Was it the same Vampire again ?" Jason asks

"Not him but he same group of Vampires from two nights ago" I say

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