The hunters

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Ok this is what I've always wanted to do for a long long long long time but I couldn't think of a plot line so ta da here we go.

Hope you like it.

Also I will be doing shout outs so just ask me and you will try to shout out a maximum of 5 per chapter. I will try and update quickly as possible it's just super duper hard with GCSE'S coming up so it's like damn. Also comment good Clace (TMI) and Dramione Fanfic please I love them xx




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Earth is not safe. I'll tell you that. We face many dangers everyday and risk our lives to protect the human populationwhich sometimes we can risk our lives. The world you live in is normal than mine. Really. I risk my life on a daiy basis just to survive. My life consists of getting up, eating, hunting then killing a few vampires. It's harder than you think. The hunters and the vampires hate each other. I'm one of them a hunter and a pure blood meaning pure hatred for vampires. I hate the lot of them. Well jealously. Why do they get the upper hand of the super natural powers. All we get are quick reflexes and quick thinking. Damn that witch that made us. I guess I should start off with how my friends and family became hunters.

No body knows exactly when it started it's a mystery really the tale has been told a billion times already in a billion different ways but the way I know it is this. A young witch called Oriana was the most powerful being in the world. Soon the word of her special powers got around quickly. A young and powerful king heard of the witch and was immediately jealous. He called her over to her place explaining how fascinated he was with her power. He offered Oriana to stay with him and to become his wife however the young witch refused. The king understood and let her go. He offered her protection she gladly took it.

Once arriving home she came home to a blood bath. Vampires. She fled back to the palace explaining the events to the king. Oriana was angry at the Vampires and wanted revenge. The were wolfs weren't strong enough and the witches were defenseless against them. The king and Oriana came up with the idea to make a new supernatural race of beings called Hunters.

She extracted blood from herself, the king and a vampire and made a potion to create the new breed. The beautiful witch selected five people from each town from high up society members to farmers to drink the potion. Oriana gave the king a sword in return for his help. The population of the hunters grew slowly. The vampires soon found out and killed Oriana. The king filled with rage and anger drank the remaing potion she left for him, promising he will get his revenge for his beloved even if it meant killing every Vampire he came across. Ever since then Vampires and Hunters have fought over the century's till this day.

My name is Johanna Davis but most people call me Jo. I'm small standing at 5'4. I haven't got the prettiest face I know that. I have freckles dotting all over my face. My tanned skin makes my blue eyes stand out. My hair is long blond hair. My nose is little the same as my mouth. I'm 17 years old. 18 in a week and three days time yay. Old enough for me to marry.

"You better not fuck up this mission Jo or else you're not coming with us again" my brother Marcus growls at me. He is two years older than me just turned 20. He has brown hair just like I used to have. It's dragged back along his head making the back of his hair look longer. He has grey eyes like our mother who is travelling at the moment. I grit my teeth together to stop me from punching him. Last time it wasn't me. I don't get along with people in my clam only my two good friends Asher and David.

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