Chapter Two: Making Choices

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"No," Percy said, not even glancing at the goddess.

Percy was having a perfectly good day until Hecate popped in.

"I didn't even say anything!" The goddess exclaimed in annoyance.

"Yeah, so whatever you're going to say, I'm not doing it. Simple as that."

Percy was staring out to the lake with a blank expression, the breeze blowing her messy hair behind her.

"But Perc-"

"What more could you possibly want?! The gods have taken everything from me. Everyone's gone and I'm the last one standing. Mom died."

Percy's expression was that of pure grief.

Hecate looked at her sympathetically.

"Oh no don't give me any of that pity crap. All I want is to be left alone!" The demigod said, throwing her hands up.

"Percy, what keeps you here? You're right, everyone's gone. Very few remain to anchor you here. What's the point in staying? What do you have to lose?"

She looked at the ground thoughtfully.

"You got me there..."

Hecate looked at her hopefully.

Percy sighed.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to go back in time and become a founder of a magic school," Hecate said bluntly. She wasn't one to dance around a subject.

"A magic school?" Percy repeated, doubtfully.

"Yes, a magic school."

"Like witches and wizards? Like abracadabra magic?" Her eyebrows raised.

"Not abracadabra, but there are witches and wizards. They're part of my domain." Hecate paused and observed the demigod for a reaction.

By then, Percy got over her shock. She's honestly heard of weirder.

"I'll give you my blessing which will give you the ability to learn magic faster, take away your dyslexia, and I'll give you the supplies needed. I'll even throw in a magical ability."

Hecate saw the reluctance in Percy's eyes.

"Please Perceia. You can prevent so much death. So much pain," Hecate pleaded.

There was a moment of silence before Percy sighed in defeat. Curse her hero complex.

"Just," Percy paused. "Give me time to think about it."

Hecate inwardly cheered.

"Alright I'll give you three days," Hecate said before bringing out a few thick books. "These are some history and basic magic books  that will show you what you're up against. If you agree I'll give you all my knowledge on magic, so the magic books are just to help you see what you might be getting into."

Hecate smiled and handed the books to Percy before disappearing.

Percy fingered the books. They looked quite strange.

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