Blowen candel

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The first 4 lines were written by  my friend and me. We were fooling around and ended up starting on a poem but the rest of it is all me....

Day and night i think of u
Under the sun the stars i miss u
The smile that forms my lips when i see u
But now it's lost cause i'm away from u
U are the missing part of my soul
U are what i cherish in my heart

But that's in the past cause U...
U like to flow with river
And i swim against the current
U want to fit in u want to be seen
And i was just wasn't not enough to be

U like to flow with the river
And i swim against the current

I brought out the greatest in u
And i still wasn't enough for u
I wanted someone to die for
And that's what i got
Cause my heart just stopped when u decided to leave me
When u decided i'm not worth fighting for

But i know it's hard to fight when u feel like flying

Lost in tears u left me
But i won't let u get to me

Cause beauty is not pain
And popularity is not for life
U chose to flow with the river
And i swim against the current

I fight for what's worth
That's why i'll always survive!

Me and my thoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now