6. Hyper-Aware (of nothing)

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Hermione's eyes drilled into the table, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and thoughts. Ron left her be, knowing that she'll speak in her own time or not at all. She was smart, brilliant - she would figure out the solution soon enough.

Harry, however, was worried. Hermione hadn't looked like that since... well, the war essentially, when she was facing destroying her own parents' memories. That was still a taboo topic, but both men understood.

"Hermione, are you alright?" Harry asked, stuffing another piece of toast into his mouth. The next Quidditch practice for eighth years was later that day, and he wanted his strength to be up for the event.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Just thinking over something I've read." Ron playfully groaned at that, smiling when his girlfriend scowled at him, but she smiled afterwards, so it was okay. "Once I sort it out, I'll tell you. It's interesting!"

"Anymore interesting than Hogwarts, A History?"

Harry smiled as his two friends started to bicker back and forth. This was normal, and Harry treasured it as much as he could. There were still OWLs he had to worry about, since he and Ron would become Aurors soon.

The Great Hall was the same, even after the battle. The ceiling was high and full of flying candles, reflecting the bright day they were to have.

'Perfect weather for playing Quidditch,' Harry thought, a smile quirking at his lips. He then shivered, aware that someone was staring holes in his back. He turned towards the Slytherin table, scanning the end to see if he could catch the specific person staring at him.

Everyone stared at him on occasion, him and Neville really. He was the Boy-Who-Lived-Again, the title sticking to him unwillingly. Neville, surprisingly enough, was admired by students and teachers alike - he had proven that he was a part of the Gryffindor household, and he had proven he was worthy of standing by all students and teachers in and out of battle.

So, being stared at wasn't all that strange - even now, Harry felt like he had millions of eyes on him and his friends. Not like he can help it, really. Still, the eyes drilling holes into him made him suspicious, and he needed to see who was staring at him from the Slytherin table, since that was the only table situated at his back.

Whatever, not like he cared very much anyways.

"So, what were you reading anyways?"

Hermione frowned once again. "It's actually a theory book about the Room of Requirement." Harry turned at this, surprised that his friend was reading such a thing. "And it's strange, because it's the only one in the entire library that even talks about the Room of Requirement! And, get this," the young woman leaned forward, conspiracy in her voice. "It has no author!!"

Harry didn't like the sound of that. The last time he had to deal with a book without an author, he had to face a basilisk. Not a fun year, that one. He thought he was going insane!

Ron must have seen the look on his face, because he elbowed Hermione softly, sending her a look. She blushed, a little bit horrified at her insensitivity.

"S-sorry, Harry." Harry accepted the apology, but barely relaxed. He trusted Hermione to be careful after the past seven or eight years. "I'll show you guys after Quidditch - I want to read and research a bit more before presenting it!"

"And you're doing this all by yourself?" The boys asked, eyebrows swept up in fake surprise. If left alone, both of them knew that Hermione would read and memorize each and every single book in that library. She had nearly succeeded in that endeavor anyways.

"Actually, Draco Malfoy is helping me." Ron looked a little green but swallowed his words. Harry was blushing just from hearing his name. Hermione rolled her eyes and pressed forward. "He has amazing insight and theories about the book and the room itself. So, while you guys are having your fun, we're going to the library."

"That sounds fun." Harry sounded unsure.

Hermione stood, landing a kiss on Ron's temple and waving at boy boys. "See you after practice! Good luck!"

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