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Kristen showed up for her first day of work and looked even better than I remembered. I had the job of showing her how we did things around he office. I can't say I didn't enjoy having her stand so close to me, looking over my shoulder as I explained the filing system. A rosy smell that I couldn't get enough of wafted off her. I knew I was smiling a bit too much and looked a bit too long whenever our eyes met. But so did she. And if I hadn't known better I would have thought she liked me too.

When the day was over Alice left early as she did every day so she could pick up her daughter, Macy, from school. Then it was just me and Kristen looking awkwardly at each other because I had no more work for her to do but I didn't want her to leave.

"You did a wonderful job today, Kristen," I said.

"Thank you," she said. And there she went again, staring up at me with those big brown eyes, holding me captive in her gaze.

"We should celebrate," I heard myself say. "I can buy you a coffee and cake at the cafe across the road."

I regretted the words as soon as they came out of my mouth. Had I really just asked her out on a date? Her new boss had just asked her out on a date on her very first day. I didn't even know if she liked women. All the signs I had seen that she was into me too might just have been wishful thinking.

But I couldn't take it back now, that would make it even weirder. I would just have to go, make it as quick as possible and keep the conversation strictly business, tell her about some clients or something. But I could tell from her surprise and slight blush that she knew my real intentions and that she knew just as well as I did that it was inappropriate.

"OK, that sounds fun," she said. I tried to smile but my enthusiasm was gone. I couldn't wait for this to be over.

We grabbed our purses and coats and headed over to the coffee shop. She didn't want cake but I got a slice anyway. I figured if I had something to keep my mouth busy I would have less chance to say something stupid.

We sat at a little table by a window and a weighty silence fell over us. I avoided looking at her as I stuffed my mouth with cake. She realised I wasn't going to initiate the conversation and took it upon herself to tell me how much she already loved working with me and Alice.

I heard her sipping her coffee and thought it might be safe to steal a glance at her then. When I did I found her looking up at me from under long lashes with her lips still puckered over the rim of the mug as she sipped the dark liquid.  She gulped down the coffee and all the while her eyes didn't leave mine. She could not have missed how utterly overwhelmed I was.

"I think I'm done," she said taking pity on me and deciding to put me out of my misery. Her coffee cup was still more than half full.

I nodded and stood up. I couldn't even speak at this point. My attraction to her had hit me with so much force.

Our cars were parked by the office and we walked towards them together without speaking. we got there and stood staring at each other for a while.

"Thank you for the coffee," she said.

"You're welcome," I answered, at last finding my voice again.

But neither of us turned away from the other.



"Do you like me? I mean as more than an employee."

My jaw dropped. Why couldn't she have just awkwardly pretended none of this had ever happened like I had planned to.

"I just want to be sure. If I'm wrong I won't bring it up again."

I was mortified. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable."

"I wasn't."

She took a step closer to me and closed the distance between us. We were drawn to each other like magnets. I felt my pulse begin to quicken. Her soft lips caressed mine and my hand cupped her face as I let the sensation take me over.

When we pulled apart, she smiled at my bewildered expression and gave me one final peck before getting in her car and driving off taking my breath with her.

The Employee (Girl x Girl)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن