Chapter Three

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Nix woke up to the creaking of the front door. Groggily sitting up she peered to the entrance of the house. The front door was swinging on its hinges squealing like a dying cat. 

Nix cringed as she stretched her frozen muscles. A chilly breeze blew into the house causing her to shiver. She gingerly made her way over to the fireplace, to find her tattered cloak. Reaching in she pulled it out, with her face scrunched in distaste. Beating the soot out of it, she flung it over her shoulders. Nix relished in the slight warmth.  

Looking back to the front door she saw the sun rising in the North. She couldn't help but wonder if the Queen had made her announcement yet. Nix's mind went rampant. She wondered what was so important that everyone in the kingdom had to hear it.  

Her musings were cut short by the sound of the Regnum's Trumpets once again filling the air. Nix made her way to the front door and looked out. The sky was clearer today. Although the air was still icy, the raging wind had calmed to a slow breeze. She could see for miles on the side of her hill. She could barely make out the gates of Regnum City. She could see ropes of people winding their way to the city. She sighed wistfully. She wished she could see the city for herself, but she doubted that would happen anytime soon.  

She retreated back into the house. Finding the broom, she cringed as she gripped the  thick handle. Taking the end of her dress she scrubbed off a little bit of her dried blood from the wooden stick. As she swept up the straw and soot, she wondered when her mother was going to return.  A smile graced her face, maybe she could sleep on the forbidden mattress again.  

As she worked Nix began to hum. Humming just seemed to make the work go faster. She hummed the familiar tune of a lullaby she had heard as a child. Nix was almost certain her father had sung it to her.  

Nix had no memory of her father, and she never knew what happened to him. She couldn't ask her mother without a fear of being beat, and she refused to speak anyways least of all to her mother.  

She knew there were words to the song but after so many years she seemed to have forgotten them. So she kept humming the same song over, and over again. 

She swept her pile out onto the ground in front of the house. She glanced over to the wood pile as well to see the stack was getting low. Dropping the broom back inside of the house, she bundled up in her thin cloak and stepped outside. Walking around to the Wood stock, behind the house, she began to gather up some wood to take inside.  

All of a sudden the air stilled. It was as is everything had suddenly lost its will to live. A strong force pulled at Nix's body. It beckoned to the woods. Slowly, a voice ebbed out, seemingly from the trees themselves.

Who are you? A stranger there, 

You'll come too and find despair. 

The winds of change, have changed again. 

You are the one, to my chagrin 

You are the one to take the fall. 

The one whom will bear it all. 

Poisoned yes indeed you'll be 

If you do not take great heed. 

Dangers fill your dim lit path 

Save yourself from Strigas wrath. 

In this way you will find, 

Help is in Megus mind. 

Then indeed you will save 

All those along the path you pave. 

A warning though beware of Brass, 

Lest you indeed turn to glass.

The haunting voice seemed to drift down her back. Shivers wracked her body. It seemed as though the invisible pull released he forcefully as she stumbled back into the snow.  

Nix scrambled back, her head turning all around, trying to find the source of the voice. It seemed to have come from the woods, but that wasn't possible. Trees cannot speak. Right?  yet still the words echoed in her mind.

Nix shook her head. It must be the weather affecting her, she thought. As if on cue Regnum's royal trumpets sounded once more.  

Go, my child.  

The voice sounded again. Although this time it sounded closer. Nix once again looked for the voice.  


The voice had increased in power. The demanding tone left no room for argument. Sure enough Nix felt her feet moving to the gate. It seemed as if they had a will of their own. They carried her out of the gate and onto the small dirt lane.  

No, no.... She thought. She had never been allowed to play in the lane as a child, and was not allowed out of the garden gate as she grew up. So when she began to make her way down the hill a sort of panic set in.  

She can't do this. It isn't allowed. She could get into so much trouble for this. The thoughts flicked through her mind, as her feet continued on their journey.  

Looking up Nix caught sight of where she was headed. As her eyes rested on the glimmering spires of the castle, she had only one thought.  

Oh no.

What up!?!

So I am sorry this chapter is short, but I hope you like it anyway! So I can keep uploding a chapter a day... If you would like... please comment and tell me! However I have only written to chapter six, so the rest of the rewritten story is still a work in progress! I am trying to write a chapter a week , but school is way busy right now! So hopefully I can catch up and get on a steady pace for Wattpad!

On another note I noticed some authors tell a little about themselves in their authors note... SO I decided that every chapter I will tell one thing about myself... completely honest! So If you have questions comment or message me, and I will answer.

As for one thing about myself right now.... I am making my prom dress this year!! It looks amazing so far, and I am super excited! Who knew I could sew??? ....... Not me! Anyway that is something that is going on in my life!

Another thing I really want to know about my readers too! Soo your question for today is..... What is your favorite food?

Love ya ;)


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