New Year resolutions: chapter 1

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Emily's POV.
   I ticked my birthday on the calendar and slumped unto the bed, its been a while I got home and still no one is back. I brought out my most priceless treasure; my birthday resolutions. I know its a bit weird but what can I say, am a weird child... So here it is, am not your usual teenage 15 year old.

   Am a 5'6, cute curves, red wavy waist length hair, blue eyes and fairly tanned skin. I attend Red Bulls high school and am regarded as the G.O.A.T; girl of all talents.
  Am a cheerleader, president of arts club, model, YouTube dancer and singer. Am friend with everyone at school except the school's dumbest asshole; Max Benson and his best friend, Frank Smith. Every girl is always drooling over him except me of course and my best friend;Flora.

  Sure, he is cute no denial, green eyes, auburn curls, washboard abs and chiseled jaw. But that didn't change the fact that he is a first grade jerk and out of bounds for me

  I smiled as I ran my fingers through my waves, I stared at the scribbled words that made up my resolutions and went through it again.

1. Make Max Benson apologize to me in front of the whole school
2. Have dinner with my mum, dad and Daniel
3. Find out my family's enormous secret
4. Skip school with Flora
5. Visit Italy with Daniel

I knew that they were really brief and specific but it is almost impossible to achieve any of them although I am willing to give it all my best.
I heard the front door slam so I knew Daniel was back. Daniel is my brother, he is a class higher than me and older than I am with two years. The only thing we had in common was our blue eyes though his own is a bit darker, he has brown hair which was always messed on his hair and he stood two heads taller than me.
  Our house was a perfect description of a mansion as it stood two storeys high so it took a while to get to the ground floor since my room was on the top floor. I glared at him as he wolfed down a granola bar like a dog, his manners were really disgusting but that didn't stop girls from falling for him. He smirked at me and began to talk with his mouth full so I slapped his head.
  He swallowed his food before speaking again' Mum and dad went for a business meeting in Japan and won't be back in three weeks'. I rolled my eyes, of course they would do such a thing, they were hardly ever at home. All they did was top up our bank accounts although I don't mind but I also needed their presence. The last time we ate has a family was 4 years, 5 months and 3 days ago. Their jobs as business tycoons was really taking most of their time
  I left the kitchen and went back to my room, I decided to call Flora but she was not picking up so I just stuck with watching a movie. Half way through it, I got bored and decided to get something to eat. As I entered the kitchen, our cook was already preparing dinner so I just settled with a glass of juice.

   Dinner was peaceful because D(Daniel) was in his room. I walked to my room and changed into my black pyjamas before going to bed. The last thing I heard was 'she is asleep' before I registered to the sweet company of darkness

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