Part 1: Prolouge ~ Leotello

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Donnie ran through the halls, briefcases in both hands as he zipped to his office.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." He muttered over and over as he got all his things out. He glanced at the clock. "30 seconds." He whispered and grabbed the papers he needed and ran as fast as he could to the board room. As he did stood outside the door for a second right before the doors opened. "Thank god..." he murmured.


Donnie walked over to his boss and handed him the papers. The man skimmed through them and nodded. "Good." he handed them back to Donnie and kept walking with the other men that left the board room.

"Y-You haven't read them..." Donnie walked after him.

"I have. They're not interesting."

"You're not going to approve them?" Donnie frowned.

"Your ideas don't seem great. I know how people would treat these. Why would I approve it if no one will love it? It'll just be a waste of money." Donnie's boss walked to his office. "If you want a real job work in the mail room. You'll make more there than what you make now."

"But I have a job-"

"You're an intern." The man looked up at him. "You don't get anything out of being an intern. You know you don't have a real job. Leave, I have to make a phone call and get ready for another meeting."

Donnie sighed and walked back over to his desk and put his things away. He carries his things and walked to the elevator and down to the ground floor. As he was going to walk out, a guy with black hair that seemed blue was pushing a large bin full of mail, another guy riding inside it. Both of them were laughing as the blue haired male pushed the cart into the mail room.

Donnie followed them and looked inside at the couple people that were there goofing off and putting mail away.

The blue haired male noticed Donnie just standing in front of the door watching them and looking around. He walked over to him.

"What can I do for you?" He asked.

"O-Oh," Donnie blushed a little in embarrassed. "I-I was just being nosy - sorry." He smiled nervously.

"No problem!" The male beamed. "You can stick around for a bit we don't mind the company." He held out his hand. "Name's Leo."

Donnie smiled and shifted all his things to one arm and shook his hand. "Donnie."

"Intern?" Leo smiled.

"Yeah kinda..." Donnie nodded.

"Kinda?" Leo raised an eyebrow.

"I'm pretty sure my boss fired me. I had some ideas for him but he didn't even read them and he said that if I wanted a real job I might as well work in the mail room."

"Hey, working here is better and less stressful than up there." Leo grinned.

"I like to say that here is underground heaven and up there is hell in the sky. Kinda like an alternate universe." The man riding in the bin got out and walked over.

Donnie smiled a little. Leo took his things and tossed them into an empty bin. He grabbed a cap and placed it on the brunette's head and gave him a smile.

"Welcome to our underground heaven, Donnie." Leo pulled him over to a vacuum that sent letters and mail up to the upstairs floors. "Whatever piece of mail matches the vacuum here, you just," Leo took a package and put it under the right vacuum and the package was sent up to the designated place. "Sometimes we like to be assholes and "accidentally" send the wrong one through the vacuum." Leo smirked and sent the wrong mail in the vacuum. Donnie laughed a little. Leo grinned. "You try now."

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