I nod my head and Jason goes into the backroom and shuts the door. I hope that this is it. I will finally be free. With my family and friends. I will be happy again.

The flight seemed shorter. Jason slept most of the time and when he woke, we were almost an hour away so thankfully I didn't have to make awkward small talk with him. We are back at the old place and Jason is looking around for something.

The gang didn't come with us so me and him are alone in the house. I'm honestly afraid to be alone with him but he is going to be leaving soon. Jason has some business to handle so he's leaving me here.

(Play the song now)

"Hey I'm about to go okay? I will see you in thirty. An hour at most." With that, Jason smiled at me and left.

I waited thirty minutes after he left to get ready. I hurried upstairs and shoved some clothes into a light backpack. I can't carry something heavy if I'm going to be running for at least ten minutes if I'm fast enough. I hope that all of my years of doing dance and running track pay off. I stood up from the ground with my bag in my hand.

I look over the room almost admiring it. What catches my eye makes me want to do backflips all over the mansion. My phone. Running over to Jason's bag, I pull it out and turn it on. Thankfully, my battery is on fifty percent. Unlocking my phone I immediately dial my mom's number. It rings for a moment before I hear her voice ring through the speakers.

"Mom?" I say in disbelief as I feel the tears well up in my eyes. I hear my mom suck in a harsh breath on the other side of the phone before she answers.

"Hailey my little girl where are you? Are you okay? Why did you leave babygirl? Please just come home." She bombards me with questions and pleads.

"Mom it's okay I'm coming home."

"Where are you hun I can come get you?"

I hesitate before answering her question. I am leaving this place but I can't give up the gangs hide out. On the other hand, one of them at least.

"Mom I can't tell you but I am coming home okay. I will call you when I get the chance to. I love you so much mommy. I will see you soon."

I hung up before she could answer. I have no time to waste right now. Placing my phone in my backpack, I close it and sling it on my back. I walk cautiously down the stairs. I tighten the straps on my book bag, suck in a breath, and let it out slowly.

Come on Hailey you got this.

I open the door slowly. An alarm begins to blare throughout the house and I make a run for it. Running in the woods beside the long path that leads to Jason's home, I continuously search my surroundings.

I feel a waterfall of relief wash over me as I reach the end of the pathway. I stop behind a huge tree and look around finding nothing.

I turn down from the path and onto the road. Paranoia fills me and I begin running again. I run for what seems like hours but is merely thirty minutes, before I see cars and small stores. I run into the nearest store out of breath. Pulling out my phone, I dial my mom's number again. She answers within seconds.

"Hailey where are you?" she asks frantically. Searching my surroundings I find a sign that reads '24 hour deli'. I tell my mom the store.

"I know exactly where that place is. I will be there really soon just be careful baby and I love you." She says and hangs up.

Heading to the back of the store, I find a water bottle. After I pay for it I ask the women at the register where the bathroom is.

"At the back on your left. Are you alright sweetie?" she asks. I nod my head and head to the bathroom gulping down the water. Once I'm inside I look at myself in the mirror. I'm completely flushed. Turning the knob for the faucet, I cup my hands under the water and slash it on my face. I still don't feel safe. Not until I'm back in my mother's arms.

As if on cue, my phone rings with my mother's name plastered across the screen. I pull it out and answer it.

"Hailey I'm here where are you?" Not answering her question, I rush out the bathroom. I can see my mom's light brown hair as she stands at the door of the store looking around frantically.

She snaps her head in my direction as I being running towards her. I hug her tightly never wanting to let go. We sob together as she whispers a 'Thank God' every now and then as she strokes my hair. "Come on honey lets go home." She holds me close to her as she brings me to the car. Climb in the passenger seat and shut the door. My mom comes around on the other side and climbs in the driver's seat.

She pulls off almost immediately after the car is started. She never brought up the police the whole ride home but I remembered Jason leaving a note as if I had run away. I know everyone is going to ask why I left so abruptly.

I just will not have an answer to their question because I was basically forced to run away. When I look out the window, I become nervous from the familiar surroundings. As my house comes into view, I feel tears build up in my eyes. My mom pulls into the driveway of our home. I had only been gone for a month but it felt like years.

"Come on sweetie someone is waiting for you inside." Matt. That is the only person it could be. My dad left us tragically before I was born. We hurry up the stairs to my front door. Before we can unlock it, the door swings open and I'm engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

Matt takes in a long sniff of my hair and sighs. He pulls back slowly with tears in his eyes. He looks over my face as if I'm an experiment. Thankfully, the bruises from when Jason hurt me is cleared up.

Matt pulls me inside along with my mother and shuts the door making sure to lock it. We sit in silence on the couch just holding each other before Matt breaks the silence. "I'm glad your home Hailey Wailey." I giggle lightly from his stupid nickname.

"I am too Matty Watty."

This chapter got crazy. I got a little nervous writing it. How did you guys like this chapter? I think it was one of the best yet.

Do you think Jason will get Hailey back? Or, will he let her go and give up?

What would you do and how would you feel if you were in Hailey's position?

Let me know in the comments! Make sure you vote, comment, and share. The next chapter will be Jason's POV so we will get to see how he reacts to the whole situation. Love you guys!


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