Devon Samuel

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Devon lived by a town where a school shooting took place 8 years before, that elementary school has been closed down ever since.

One day Devon and his three buddies were walking to that town to pickup some McDonalds for the little party of four they were going to have back at Devon's place. They were about to pass the school when they decided it'd be a cool idea to dare Devon to go into the abandon school and meet them on the other side and if he did that, he could choose one friend to pay for his meal and drink.

Of course Devon wasn't about to decline. He marched up to the front doors while his buds went around to the back to find the back doors.

Not seeing his friends anymore Devon felt a little on ease about doing this but he just took it as being hungry, which made him want to go through even more.

He opened the door and walked in. There was a long hall but the classrooms were a few steps down, he walked in further hearing his own footsteps and began speed walking to get to the other side faster.

He got to where all the classrooms were and heard a voice come from the second room on his left, "Devon come-re..." Devon stopped to the voice, thinking it was just his friends trying to scare the shit out of him, "Very funny guys, come out and help me look for the other doors." he walked into the room seeing an old scruffy man sitting on the floor, "Are you alright?" Devon asked him.

The man stood up but his one leg kind of wobbled as if it was really weak, it wasn't even supporting him," I am now that I have you to stay." he said wobbling towards Devon with a broken creepy smile.

"Um, do you want me to bring you some food? I'm heading to McDonalds, it won't be a problem."

The man grabbed Devon by his shoulders,"Yes oh yes child fill my stomach, then I can eat you."

Devon took a step away from him, feeling the on ease feeling he had before.

From behind him someone grabbed Devon and pulled him aside.

"Dude what's taking you so long? we were worried something fell on you or something!" Devon's friends came in worried about him.

Devon shocked looked back to the room and seen that the man wasn't there anymore.

"Lets just get out of here"

Devon and his friends went to McDonalds and as they ordered for Devon and themselves he explained to them what happened and they all thought it was pretty creepy.

Nothing more happened that night but the image and touch of that man still scares the shit out of Devon to this day.

Devon Samuel's CreepyStoryWhere stories live. Discover now