"Wow," was all Addison could manage to say.

"Yeah, Diana went a bit overboard when she was decorating," Cheryl laughed.

"I love it" Addison smiled. She then took a seat behind her desk and swirled around on the chair. There was a huge smile on her face, she liked this. She liked this a lot. Addison then looked at the two of adults in front of her who were trying their hardest not to laugh. Addison was the one who cracked first and Cheryl and Michael joined her.

The two of them then took a seat in front of the desk and somehow the mood went serious all of a sudden. No one said anything for a couple of seconds, but then Cheryl broke the silence. "How have you been doing?"

"Alright, I think. I'm just trying to get through."

Cheryl nodded. "Ari, I don't know if you know this but we-"

"You're my godparents."

The pair of them nodded. "Maya doesn't know but I'm sure she'll be very happy when she finds out. If you ever need anything, and we mean anything, you can come to us."

Addison smiled at the two of them. "Thanks. I'll remember that." Addison looked around the office once more and then sighed. "I should probably get going now."

The Dawson's nodded and walked Addison to the main entrance, they said their goodbyes and then Addison made her way to her therapy session.

* * *

Addison had been gone for two hours before she came back to Eaton Academy. As she headed back to her dorm, she heard a very heated conversation going on from inside one of the Elite dorms. Addison didn't mean to pry but she couldn't help but be a little curious as to what was going on. She followed the voice and soon realised which room it was coming from. Thomas'. Also, he must have been on the phone as Addison could only hear one half of the conversation.

Addison couldn't really make out what the conversation was about but from the fact that Thomas kept saying "dad", she figured he was talking to his parents. It then occurred to Addison that Thomas had once told her that he and his parents were not on speaking terms. From the tone he was using to speak to them, she could clearly tell that the matter had not been resolved.

She had not expected Thomas to come out of his dorm so quickly so when he did, she tried to act casual. Her idea of casual was examining her nails while still staying extremely close to Thomas' dorm door.

"Addison?" Thomas said a little surprised.

"Oh! Hey! What are you doing here?" Addison mentally cursed herself for her stupidity, could she seriously not come up with something better than that?

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows in confusion which quickly turned from realisation into amusement. "Addison Myer, were you eavesdropping?"

Addison panicked. She tried to think of an excuse but nothing sensible came to her. She hated that she lacked the ability to think on her feet. Instead she decided to go with the truth, it was the easier option. She nodded her head and looked slightly embarrassed.

Thomas sighed. "Come in."

Addison followed Thomas into his dorm which wasn't like the other Elite dorms she had seen. Thomas' dorm was a lot smaller with only a living area and an en suite bedroom. Then again, what more did you really need? Addison took a seat on the sofa and waited for Thomas to say something. "So," he started. "You heard my conversation with my parents."

Addison nodded. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, I was just passing by and I heard-"

"It's okay," Thomas interrupted. "I don't blame you, I would have done the same to someone else too. I guess you're wondering what's going on."

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