Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Fukase gritted his teeth in slightly upcoming anger. After all, his so-called friend was not better that the others. A person that couldn't be satisfied with a mystery on two legs by his side. He did really expect to have found somebody he actually needed - somebody who didn't need to ask questions. But he was wrong. All in all, his theory, people having the instinct to be curious, was correct. Otherwise they wouldn't live how they are now.

Still Fukase hoped for somebody who wasn't like this - at least a bit less. Oliver actually was that kind of person, but Fukase was afraid the blond one would turn like the others. He was still young - even younger than Fukase himself- barely had any work experience as his first job after university was at the company he is still working in, somehow Fukase was afraid Oliver would fall for others' statements.

"I don't think so," the harsh tone in Oliver's voice startled Fukase and he looked to the blonde one again, whose eyes narrowed and he pushed his cup of hot chocolate to the side.

"I always respected your distance but I still want to be recognized as a friend and I told you several times that you can talk with me about anything."

Fukase bit his tongue and looked away. He didn't expect this kind of reaction. The excitement coming from Oliver consisted of more than curiosity, but he didn't bother to find out. More likely, he avoided eye contact and watched his pet, which felt the uncomfortable tension and sat next beside him on the table, it bent its head.

Fukase felt a tight grip on his shoulder and flinched. Oliver bent to him, trying to get Fukase's attention again. His eyes sparkled full of seriousness, an emotion the ginger rarely saw from the younger one.

"You know I'm your friend, right?"

Fukase sighed and nodded. "Yeah."

He knew by himself that wasn't the answer Oliver wanted but he didn't know how to answer properly. The amount of attention was almost too much for him and he felt himself weakening - an emotion he tried to suppress all the time. He shook Oliver's hand away, who sat back and gave a defeated look. After some seconds Oliver nodded and packed his things, walked back to the front door without saying a single word.

Fukase watched him surprised but got up unconsciously as he heard his front door opening.

"Oliver!" The called one stopped his movement and looked over his shoulder. "What?"

Fukase stepped next to him and sunk his head. Such action wasn't usual for him, so he had trouble finding the correct words.

"Don't go just like that. It's just..."

Oliver rose an eyebrow. "It's just, what?"

Fukase looked up and breathed in deeply to calm himself down. Inside of him, he was trembling like a leave from nervousness. Running after somebody - for how long hasn't he done that? He didn't want to loose Oliver as a friend, he was sure about that. All this time he was happy how it was and didn't think about the one who actually was there for him. He couldn't fully understand what he was thinking, but he slowly noticed that it couldn't keep on like this. It took him years, but the recent weeks he got more thoughtful about his behavior towards others. This was the moment he didn't want to loose something he built up.

He gulped and looked into Oliver's eyes who were still full of anger and seriousness.

"It's a personal problem."

"And it's so bad that you cannot even tell me a bit of it?" Oliver kept on asking but Fukase grabbed the door knob and closed his door again, signaling his friend to wait a little more before he would actually talk.

Hot chocolate (Oliver x Fukase)Where stories live. Discover now