Nice Boys Don't Play Rock N Roll part 10

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.......Time Skip to a few weeks later.......
Luna's POV
I can't believe it is almost summer! I am so happy cause I get to spend it with my boyfriend, it's still kinda weird saying that, but a good kinda weird. Jess and I have been to a bunch more of there gigs and even more dates. We are going to meet them in our usual spot behind the school after second period, my thoughts are interrupted by the bell. I get up to leave until I hear the teachers voice, "Ms. Luna would you please stay for a moment?" she asks her usual snotty tone. Her name is Mrs. Williams, and I've always hated her. She criticizes everything that I do, from my fashion sense, to the language I use, all the way to who I hang out with. She is a stone cold bitch, "Ms. Luna I have noticed that your grades have gone down in all your classes, tell me why is that," she says almost happily. I clench my fist, "I don't know maybe you idiots don't know how to teach," I say in a happy/ sarcastic tone. "Ms. Luna, do you think it might have something to do with that boy you hang around with? I mean he can't be a good influence. Not that you were that good to begin with, but you seem to have gotten worse. Yes I'd say it's all his fault, after all nice boys don't play rock n roll," she finishes in her high and mighty tone. I slam my fist on her desk causing her to jump, "Shut the fuck up you stupid bitch! Steven is an amazing guy and he isn't a bad influence on me, and I'm sick and tired of you and everyone else in this stinkin place telling me otherwise! You'll see! One day they are gonna be famous and you'll be sorry you ever talked bad about them!" I run out of her class and towards the main exit. I run outside towards our tree, Steven, Jess, and Slash already waiting there. "Hey babe, what kept you so long?" Steven asks giving me a hug, but I don't hug back. "It was Mrs. Williams, she was talking about my grades dropping and how it's because I hang with you guys," I say still pissed. "Aw, I'm sorry baby, but I do have good news," he says smiling. I perk up at this, "What is it sweetheart?" I ask holding his hand. "The band is getting signed by a record label! We are going on our first tour this summer!" He says jumping up and down. I laugh then realize what that means, "So we won't be together this summer," I ask sadly. "Actually, it'll be longer than just the summer," Slash adds in. I look over and notice Jess' sad smile. "Wait so we won't be in school together either?" I ask close to tears. "Baby, Slash and I are dropping out. The rest of the guys already dropped out from their school," he says going in for a hug. I back away, "So what does that mean? Are you saying we're breaking up?" I say as a few tears spill down my cheeks. "No baby, I just didn't know if you'd wanna be with me once we got a huge fan base, I thought that you would think I didn't care anymore," he says holding me again. "You idiot I will always love you no matter what," I say holding him tighter. "Then how about you come with me, drop out, pack your stuff, and come with us," he says pleading. "Same goes for you Jess," Slash says to Jess. She hugs him, shouting yes. "Okay I will," I say smiling. "Okay let's go," Steven says leading me to his car, as Jess and Slash follow. We drive to my house, "Let's  go," I say walking towards the front door. "Wait? Don't you wanna sneak in?" Jess asks behind me. "No this has to be done right," I say walking in. "What are you doing home?! You are supposed to be in school!" my mom screams at us. I keep calm and walk upstairs with Jess as my mom follows, still yelling. We pack all of our belongings and head downstairs. "You are not leaving with that boy Luna! He is a no good rockstar!" she yells. "I don't care, we love our boys and we are leaving with them," I say heading towards the door as Jess opens the door. "Wait! Please don't leave me! You're all I have left," she says getting down on her knees and grabbing my ankle. I yank my foot away and walk outside, shutting the door behind me. "Ready to go?" Steven ask leaning on the passenger door. I kiss him, "Yeah, let's get outta here," we pill in the care and drive off. Jess and Slash cuddle in the back seat, and eventually fall asleep. I hold Steven's hand, and watch as the town we knew disappeared behind us. I don't know where my life will go from here, but as long as these crazy guys and Jess are in it, I think it will be just fine.

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