Part One

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The loud sound of over-excited students filled the classroom, dozens of conversations flooding Taeil's ears through his headphones. It had been like this for the past four years. The last day of school, always hectic, but this would be his final last day of school, high school at least. He was graduating. Unlike a lot of the other students, he was pretty indifferent to the whole situation. However, this wasn't really much of a change. Taeil typically wasn't on the normal side of the spectrum when it came to student opinion anyway. Not to mention he had already been accepted to a college three hours away so it didn't really feel like a last day to him; just another last day in the stream of many more to come. That isn't to say he wasn't ready for the break. Finals had drained him of all joy for a solid month and a half. A break from the hellish schedule of school was completely welcome.

Taeil was roused from his attempt at a musical escape when a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders, knocking the headphones out of his ears and causing his glasses to go crooked. "Ey Tae hyung." Jiho's arms unwrapped themselves from his neck as he walked around to sit himself at the desk in front of Taeil. "Still being your anti-social self I see."

"I'm not being anti-social. I'm saving my voice for worthy people. It's called being considerate." Taeil stated with a grin, fixing his glasses. Jiho rolled his eyes at his hyung. "What do you want anyway Jiho? You don't have this class." 

"No I don't, but I have some important business to discuss. There is gonna be a kickass party tonight, courtesy of me, and it demands your attendance."

"You know my answer Jiho."

"Awe, come on. You never come to any of my parties." The younger whined.

"You're right I don't. You know I hate crowds, and I can barely handle my friends attitudes when they're drunk, what makes you think I will tolerate a bunch of slobbering strangers?" The class bell rang and Taeil stood up grabbing his bag. "The answer is no." He headed for the door and he could hear complaints behind him as he followed.

"But it's your last day of high school! Does that not warrant any celebration? You can't go your whole high school career without going to a single party." Taeil navigated his way through the hall to his last class.

"What do you mean I've never been to a party!? I've been to a party before, freshman year at the pool!"

"Dude that was parentally supervised birthday party. It counts for jack shit." Taeil stopped in front of his homeroom, crossing his arms to look at Jiho.

"A birthday party does count. It's in the title, birthday PARTY." Jiho rolled his eyes.

"No it doesn't, come on hyung! What do I have to do to sell this party to you?" Taeil didn't respond. Just as Jiho was about to talk, Minhyuk and Jaehyo rounded the corner. "Ha, they're coming hyung! Why don't you come with them?"

"We told you he isn't going to come, Jiho. He never does. Parties just aren't his thing." Minhyuk explained stopping at the pair.

Jaehyo, putting one arm around Taeil's shoulder, gave a smile to his shorter friend. "Yup, that's our little anti-social hyung."

"I'm not anti-social! I'm just highly selective with who I spend my precious time on. You should all feel blessed."

"Hey, did you convince him to come yet?" Kyung asked, walking up to the growing group.

"No, he is being stubborn." Jiho complained. Kyung showed a small smirk at his friend's comment. "What are you smiling about?"

"I think I may know something that will change our little hyung's mind." Kyung explained, his grin growing wider.

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