Chapter 1:

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I'm in the middle of a dark forest... and I have no idea where I am.

I can hear chirping noises to my right and streaming water to my left.

A sound of a stick breaking came from behind me. *CHTICK*

Hey! Who's there.. show yourself!!" I shout as loud as I can.

A silhouette of a person starts to appear about 15 feet in front of me, till he fully descends. I can't see his face, since mystery guy's hoodie is covering it.

Finally after a few seconds he looks up and takes his hoodie off, showing his face.. wow, he's pretty old!

He looks to be around 40-45 years old. I feel a bad vibe coming from this man and decide to be more cautious than normal.

"Ah, what a pleasure to meet you, Samantha."

Suspicion overwhelmed me and I blurted out "How do you know my name? I'm sure I never met you before... right? Am I wrong..."

The mysterious man started chuckling creepily and replied, "No, this is the first time you have met me, but certainly it won't be the last..."

"Trust me, Samantha. I'm not the bad guy....I'm one of the good guys. My name is Luke. And I'm here to tell you that you have to watch your back. If you ever notice anybody following you, make sure you have a weapon in hand. I suggest a dagger or gun. Please be aware of the dangers close by... until next time we meet." He said with a mocking bow alongside a genuine smile and quickly darted away.

"WAIT!!" I yelled. But it was already too late.. he was gone. Soo I started chasing after him in the direction he left in.

Wow, he sure was fast! So fast I couldn't keep up.

I gave up and slowly came to a stop. I could still hear his voice warning me and it scared the stuffing out of me.

Hmm, I just realized he looks a bit like-

Holy hell. I immediately jumped up. Rubbing my eyes, I looked around. I'm soaking wet and not in the middle of a forest anymore. Instead I'm in my room surrounded by my annoying twin brothers, Lucas and Logan.

I glared at both of them as they rolled on the floor laughing their arses off, while holding their empty buckets.

"Oh, Lucas and Logan my favorite brothers of all. What can I do for you this so very fine morning?" I said in a sarcastic tone. "

"Morning Sam!" They peeped out simultaneously.

"Mom told us to wake you up, since you're about to be late for school. We tried everything to wake you up. We screamed in your left ear, slapped your face lightly a few times, and even played your favorite song loudly. You just wouldn't wake up."

"Well," I laughed "I'm a bit of a heavy sleeper."

"Yeah, no kidding." My mother's voice projected from the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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