Warm Feisty Baseball

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Today, the three of us went to a baseball game. Isn't that great? I sat next to this guy, and he was extremely pretty. He had sharp teeth and I imagined them biting my shoulder as I sit on a bed with my robe sagging down my shoulder. Ugh... I should get thoughts like this put of my head, forever. I look at him again and as he smiles at me I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder. I flash a smile back and turned around to face Miyani. She saw this and knew what was going on in my head. She made a biting motion at me and I chuckled, but my shoulder started throbbing.
"Heh, Mizzy don't make faces like that."
My sister notices me holding my shoulder and her smile fades away. She knows of my condition and only her and I know. If I fantisize about something, I can feel some sort of feeling connected to it. Like its going to happen. Miyani was in the row behind me and soon came over and whispered in my ear.
"Mizzy, if you want I'll take the pain away."
My sister's worried look sends shivers down my spine. I know how she could take it away. The feeling connected to the fantasy or what not can be taken away if contact like that happens. She would have to bite my shoulder.
"H-here in front of everybody you would bite me?"
I look at Miyani's worried face and put my hood over her head and my shoulder, remembering how far she would go for me. I feel a sharp quick pain in my shoulder, but I don't dislike it. The pain goes away quickly.
"T-thank you Miya."
As I say her nickname she smiles at me and messes up my white hair. Soon the baseball game begins and the kiss can starts going around.
"Uh oh. Miya, we can't kiss on the screen or like, anywhere."
Suddenly she pushes my head to the guy next to me. I let out a small cry but the camera comes and lands on me and the man.
He pulled me in rea)y fast like he knew it would happen and kissed me. Longer then the camera was pointed at us. He bit my tounge and all I could think about was licking my blood off of his teeth. I lean closer to him, but soft firm hands pull me back.

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