Chapter One: Numbness

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Percy didn't really know what the point of life was anymore.

Everything just seemed...numb. At one point she attempted suicide. She was sick of experiencing such toment every living moment. She could still remember the horror in her father's face as he found her on the floor of her cabin in a puddle of blood.

Poseidon burst through the doorway of her cabin.

"Percy, how's it-" he stopped and stared at the scene before him in horror.

Percy was on the floor. A bloodied knife right beside her. Blood was coming from her wrists. She was staring blankly at the picture her and Anthony sharing a kiss.

"Percy," the god said in shock.

"Do you think I'll get to see Mom and Anthony?" Percy asked still staring at the picture.

"No, Percy. This isn't the way to do it."

Tears were rolling down his face. It was the first time Percy ever saw her father cry. The great god of the sea, lord of horses, crying, for her.

Percy finally looked at him, her once bright eyes now dulled. The god's heart cracked.

"Then how?" Percy asked, looking like a lost child, "Please help me."

Silent tears ran down both of their faces. She wanted to scream her grief to the world and he wanted to help her. God or not he was still her father.

"I am truly sorry, my child."

He was sorry for being a terrible father, he was sorry for not helping his child when she needed it, he was sorry that she had to save the world, but most of all he was sorry for giving her this life in the first place. She never deserved it.

Percy lived. She always did. Her luck (as bad as it was) would never let her die.

She went through with her life like normal. Her health slowly deteriorating. Yes, it was possible to die of broken heart. Though it was a slow and agonizing process.

Up in Olympus

"Brother, my daughter is dying! I will not watch as the life is slowly sucked out of my child! I have to do something! Anything!" Poseidon growled, pacing in front of his throne.

Zeus sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"It's not like you haven't watched your child die before," Zeus said, sarcasm coating his words.

Poseidon glared at his brother. A glare that would terrify any mortal or weaker god, but Zeus had seen that look too many times to affect him.

"Then tell me. What can we do? We can't control a demigods emotions. Only Aphrodite has some control over emotions and even then she can only control love. It'd be cruel to force her to love someone else. What are we supposed to do?"

Poseidon looked at him desperately.

"I think I have a solution that would benefit all of us."

The gods all turned to see a slender, black-haired woman with pale skin dressed in robes with ornate silver ruins. She had narrow purple eyes that glowed slightly with power and an ageless face.

"Hecate, what do you have in mind," Zeus asked, raising an eyebrow.

Poseidon took a seat and regained his composure.

"The wizarding world. I can send her back in time to become the fifth founder of Hogwarts. She can start a new life back then," Hecate said.

"What's the catch," Poseidon asked suspiciously.

She sighed

"The wizarding world has won the recent war, but there was so many useless deaths. That and inbreeding dwindled the population by a good portion. Perceia can stop it all."

"No, absolutely not! Percy will not be involved in another war. She's gave everything to win that war," Poseidon said, clenched his fists.

"This will help her. She won't be constantly reminded of the deaths of her friends. She'll be free of our influence and maybe that will be good for her. I'll provide her the necessary tools to help her."

"How can Perceia change things that far back in time?" Zeus asked, "Why not send her to when the mortal named Tom Riddle was a child to stop it all before it happens? The founders of Hogwarts don't have that much of an affect on the war?"

Hecate looked at him thoughtfully.

"She will go to other places along the timeline, but it is important for her to start with the founders."

Both gods looked at her skeptically.

Hecate sighed.

"Voldemort or Tom Riddle is a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin. That is a fixed point. It cannot be changed, but if Perceia goes back in time she can become Salazar's wife. Tom Riddle can become their direct descendent, but his ancestors can be completely different. His mother will be a different person, but his parents will still be dead. He could not be born under a love potion and could be able to love. He still has a chance of being the dark lord, but Percy could show him the love he needs. She could be there for him. From there Percy is free to go where she wants in the timelines. There's a few interesting ventures she will go into, but in the end she goes back to Salazar and has a family with him. She'll have what she always wanted."

Poseidon's face was red with anger. "My daughter will not marry that arro-"

He was cut off.

"How do you know of this? Where is all this information coming from?" Zeus asked suspiciously.

"The Fates," she smirked as the other god's eyes widened in shock before composing themselves.

"We're not changing the topic!" Poseidon huffed in irritation. "I will not have my daughter marry such a prejudiced idiot!"

"Brother, I do not believe Percy would marry the man if he was not worthy," Zeus said, trying to calm the sea god.

Poseidon glared at him with eyes that churned like a stormy sea.

"Is what you say true?" Zeus said ignoring his brother.

The minor goddess nodded.

"She will befriend young Salazar and change him for the better. Though there is a chance she'd end up with Godric. It all depends on a lot of things."

"But will she be happy, Hecate?" Poseidon said, searching the goddesses violet eyes. "I will not have my daughter save lives again if she ends up with nothing in the end. I can't let that happen again. Will she find her happy ending there?"

Hecate looked at him sympathetically before nodding.

"She'll find her happy ending. I swear it on the River Styx."

Poseidon nodded.

"Then, I give you my permission to follow through with this if my daughter agrees."

"As will as I," Zeus said, also giving her a nod.

Hecate smiled. Now all she had to do was convince Perceia. She knew it would be harder then it sounded.

Believe it or not I have eight other unpublished stories that I'm working on little by little. My supernatural/Percy Jackson one is almost done.

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