Chapter 2

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I finally get home after a long day, time to shower and find and outfit for tonight.
I drop my stuff off on to my bed and open my laptop and log onto my Spotify account. I click on my playlist and then strip down to nothing. "Finally get to take a shower yay!"
I look at myself in the mirror, I frown at the scars that cover my tummy and thighs, I can't cut my wrist because everyone would notice. I turn on the water and stand there for a minute thinking. As soon I can see the steam from the water I hop in washing my hair and scrubbing my body. It hurts to wash over my cuts. I turn off the water and slowly climb out of the shower. I grab my towel and start drying off, laying my makeup out. I pick out two different outfits, one that has a band t shirt with Nickelback on it and some skinny jeans with a studded choker. The other is a off the shoulder black top with jeans and a blingy type necklace. I grab my phone a take a picture of the outfits. I text Sophie, "hey girl which outfit."
*Ding* *Ding*
"Girl the black top for sure!"
I get dressed and then pull out my black knee high leather boots. I apply my makeup and look at myself.
"God I look gorgeous".
My mom would be so proud of me..I wish she could see me now. "Alexa? You in there?"
"Yes aunt Jess, I'm here". I replied.
"Oh honey you look beautiful."she exclaimed.
I smile and look back at the mirror. I thought to myself tonight is gonna be so amazing.
I walk to my desk and I pick up my phone and take a selfie, I look at it and edit it a little and then I posted it to Facebook.  I smile and sit on my bed waiting for Sophie to text.
Tonight will be so exciting.

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