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Chapter 6:Letters

Ginny's POV

When I woke up Harry was holding me. I turned around to wake him up but he already was.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked. I did not want to make him wait for me to wake up.

"About 5 minutes. I am going down stairs to cook everyone breakfast what do you want." he asked me.

"Surprise me!" When I said that he looked at me and kissed my forehead and told me that he will.

Harry's POV

When I went down stairs I saw a owl. I wondered whose it was I have not got an owl since Headwig. When I picked up the letters there where four of them. They were from Hogwarts.

I guess they want me, Ron and Hermione to come back and make up that year we missed. That means that Ginny will be going back and we will be in the same year.

I went and fixed breakfast when everyone got down stairs they all dat at their usually place. They saw the letters and each of them opened there own. I did the same since I have not opened mine yet either.

"Oh my Merlin I got prefect" Hermione squealed.

We all looked at her we knew she was going to get something she has the beat grades in the whole school.

When I finally finished reading my letter I found out that I would take everything but defense against the dark arts. Also I found some otherwise things in the bottom of my letter. I was informed that I was head boy and boy qudditch caption. I had no idea who the head girl or caption was but I was scared that if Ginny did not get girl caption it would be horrible. She is the best on the team and the only other girl other than Katie Bell.

"Um......Harry can I talk to you.?" Ginny looked pretty nervous.

"Yea.....Gin what is the matter."

"I was offered head girl and girl caption of quidditch. I did not want to take it with out talking to you."

I picked her up and twirled her around. "I think you should take both of them, because I was offers the same thing." I kissed her. We broke off and she looked in my eyes.

"I can't believe it we will be with each other more than usual." She said

Ginny POV

I was so happy that I found out Harry got it both to we will be together more often and the best thing is we don't have to share a room with other students and get two just two ourselves.

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