Chapter One: A Cold Wellcome

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Elizabeth's POV:

I sat at the top of a large rock, looking out at the lake with little drop's of water slashing on me from when the water would rock and splash onto the rock. My leg's dangling off the rock with my arm's in my lap.

I was lost in my thought's when suddenly I was pushed off the rock, into the water. I screamed as I fell into the water. I swam to the surface, gasping for air and looking around trying to figure out who pushed me. I saw a dark figure in the wood's. It walked closer and closer and I stared to see his or her face. And that's when I realized who it was.

"Damn it Damon!" I said swimming over to him

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, but I had to." he laughed

"I could have died!" I laughed getting out of the water

"One: Your a vampire so your already dead. And Two: I know you can swim,"

"What Ever!"

"Come on Jeremy is waiting for us."

I walked back to the lake house with Damon and dried my self off and got into a black T- shirt, dark blue Jean's and short black boot's. I grabbed my last bag and my phone then headed out the door, to outside, put my bag in the trunk then hopped into the front seat of Damon's car.

I have been here at the lake house with Jeremy all summer(Well half of the summer) and today is the day that we go back to mystic fall's.

Alex and Justin are coming back from there honey moon somewhere in Alabama(Alex was born there). We were all finally going to be back together again (Me, Alex, Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Caroline, Bonnie, Elana, Tyler, Matt and Alaric). I'm actually excited to go back to mystic falls. I mean there's no more phyco vampire's that want to kill me (I think) And I get to see everyone again. So Why wouldn't I be excited?

Alex's POV:

I picked up a box and put it in the trunk of the car.

I have spent half of my summer with Justin in Alabama (Where I was born)by a beach for our honey moon.

"Ok, this is the last bag!" Said Justin happily

"Oooook!" I said equally excited

He put the bag in the trunk and I climbed into the front seat of the car. Justin closed the trunk and then got into the driver's seat and we drove away heading to Mystic fall's.

(Once they reach Mystic Fall's)

We made it back to mystic fall's, the same little town we left. We went to Elisabeth, damon and Stefan's house and unpacked our stuff in our room.

"Ready to go?" Asked Elizabeth excitedly

"Yep I just finished unpacking! Let's go!" I said

Me, Elizabeth, Justin, Jeremy, Damon, Stefan, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler and Alaric at the grill for a little Reunion type thing I guess. I can't wait to see them all agian I seriously miss them.

(At the grill)

We all walked into the grill. Caroline and Elizabeth squealed as they saw each other, and ran to hug eachother.

"I missed you so much!" Said Caroline

"I missed you too!" Replied Elizabeth backing away

"Hey!" Said Tyler walking over to hug her

"Hey I missed you were you all summer?" Asked Elizabeth

"Well I took a little vacation."

"Sounds fun."

"Hey the rest of us are still here." Said Bonnie with a laugh as Matt laughed too

"Hey Bonnie. Hey matt" Laughed Elizabeth hugging them

Elena ran over to me and hugged me tight.

"Thank god your back, I missed you so much!" Said Elena

"I missed you to." I laughed as she stepped back

She looked at me weird for a second then quickly smiled again.

"Hey Alex!" Said Stefan hugging me after hugging Elizabeth

"Hey Stefan! How was Hawaii?"

"It was good. How was Alabama?"

"Amazing." Said Justin

"Well I don't know about you guy's, but I'm hungry." Said Jeremy

"Ya let's eat!" Said Alaric

"Ya!" We all said with a laugh

"Well I need a drink."

I didn't feel like drinking my stomach acctuly kinda hurt. Surprising right?

Elizabeth's POV:

(Ten minutes till midnight)

I heard a knock at the door comeing from down stairs. I looked over and Jeremy was sleeping next to me. I have started staying at Jeremy's. Elena stays at my place with Damon, I stay at her place with with Jeremy. We practically switched house's.

I didn't want to wake Jeremy, but when there A second knock.

"Do you want to get it?" I asked

"No... do you?" He asked turning to look at me


We laughed a little then he said

"Let's both go."

"Ugggghhhh. Fine!" I said

I got out of bed and out the bedroom door. As I walked down the stairs I tripped and fell down the stairs. I quickly got up and headed over to the door and opened it. And there was Jackson, just standing there stareing at me.

"Hey Jackson what's up? I haven't seen you sence me and Jeremy went to the lake. Why weren't you at the grill?" I asked barely being able to keep my eye's open

"We're is Alex?" He asked

Jeremy slowly walked down the stairs practically half asleep.

"Were do you think she is, Puerto Rico?" I asked

He just stared at me for a second then said

"Could I come in?" He asked

I backed up and looked at Jeremy.

"Uh... i guess just hold on." he said rubbing his face and closing his eyes for a second and walking to the door

Jackson looked at me, grinned, and that's when I realized it. His eye's were glowing a dark red and I shouted

"Wait Jeremy d-"

But it was too late.

"Come in." Jeremy said

Jackson ran in and ran at Jeremy. I tackled Jeremy and Jackson ran into the front room.

"What the hell?" Said Jeremy

"Jeremy you need to -"

I was going to Finnish my sentence but I was thrown acrossed the room. I looked over and Jackson threw Jeremy at a wall and stabbed him threw the stomach with a sharp table leg.

"Jeremy, no!" I shouted

"E - Elizabeth....." said Jeremy grabbing the stick that was lodged through his stomach and into the wall

I ran at Jackson but he grabbed me by the neck, then stabbed me in the neck with vervane filled syringes.

"Night, night Lizzie." Said Jackson

Then I fell to the ground and blacked out.

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