Encouragement to keep trusting God

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I remember I fainted one day at home and I was rushed to the nearest church close by and while I lay there unconscious, I saw that I was in a very dark place and I heard a voice saying;  “go back, it's not your time yet" continuously till I opened my eyes.

Just then, I realized it was God who has been at my disposal even though I was still in the world and doing things which are against his commandments.

I had an easy life whereby I didn't suffer much to get the things I needed. I just pray to God a little about a problem I was facing  and then after some time, that problem would have been resolved.

I was in the world alright; I went clubbing once in a while with my friends but I was still going to church so it wasn't like I didn't know who God was but I just wasn't ready to give my all to Him and leave everything I was doing in the world behind [what I term, the good lifestyle ] and follow Christ.

I only prayed when I needed God to do something in my life which was a bad habit.

The Bible says in Mathew 6:33 that;
“we should seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and everything else shall be added unto us".

The other gods which the Holy Bible speaks about that we shouldn't worship any other God apart from Jehovah God isn't just the gods we visit at shrines alone but anything we put before our God is our god.

Example - if I know I am supposed to read at least a chapter of the Bible a day but I chose not to and instead : I am on social media posting pictures and leaving nasty comments on other people's pictures, then my phone has become my god because I placed it before my God.

Many at times, we realize that things used to go well for us when we were in the world but after we've become born again Christians, things become harder for us because the ways of the devil are always easy.

But God allow obstacles and challenges to befall us so that through that difficulty, we would be strengthened and know that God is still with us and it's not by our strength but by the mighty arms of God that has delivered us.

Anytime you're in trouble and you call unto the Lord, it's like you telling Him : “Father Lord,  I can't go through this by myself. Please take control and let your will be done in my life".

I know that feeling and I understand that feeling you sometimes feel that God is faraway.

You remember how things used to be easier when you were in the world but now that you've become born again in Christ, you can't even afford a three square meal a day. I understand you

I also understand how business used to move on even when you had overpriced the goods and now that you met Christ and have reduced it to the lowest price, people are not purchasing and you keep asking where you went wrong.

But if you're already loosing faith and hope in God, lemme ask you this question :

all those times you cheated people when you were in the world if God had asked you to pay him before He grants you salvation; would you have had the money to pay Him? "

“or if He was demanding for the souls that has perished at your account, would you have delivered them to Him? "

I am here to encourage you this day that don't loose hope yet. Don't loose faith yet. Our God is still working on your story.
He's still working on your case and your time to shine will surely come; just keep praying and trusting that He's Able to Deliver.

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