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"HOW MANY DAYS HAS IT BEEN?" "I don't know." "GARAGHHHHHH!!" "Calm down!" "No! I'm sick and tired of sitting in this stupid room waiting for someone...anyone....to tell us we can do what we want!!!" "Scarlette Johanson! Stop this instant." "Yes ma'am." "Scarlette!!!" "Jaina, Scarlette, go do the dishes. NOW." "At once." "Stupid girls. Think their going to do what they want. Makes me laugh just thinking about it."

"Now do you know how many days it's been?" "Stop asking me that." "No. Not until you tell me!" "Hey, I'm just as upset as you!!" "Doesn't seem like it!" "..." "Don't act like your just as anxious as me to leave. To see the world. To do sports. To be APRECIATED!!!!!!" "Stop...please! He might here-" "Too late. You stupid brat. Come here!" "Get away from her!" "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!" "You shouldn't act like you'll leave anytime soon. Your lucky you aren't black. You'd be a slave! Do you want that?! I don't believe so." "N.....N....No I don't." "As I thought. And you, Jaina, don't you DARE think of coming upstairs. Ever." "Yes sir."

"Scarlette!! Are you okay?!?!?!?" "I'm fine, Jaina. Go back to reading your book."

"It's been years. YEARS!!" "I know. It's time we leave. And I don't mean to go upstairs to make him food. I mean leave, as in outside." "Thank god! You finally agree." "Haha. You think I've really never wanted to leave, Scarlette? Really?! No...I've been wanting to leave for YEARS!!!" "I never knew you felt like that." "You should have." "GET UP YOU LITTLE BRATS!!!!" "Uh-oh. He's awake. Come on Jaina."

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