The Past

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Without warning Tessa Gray ran up to Clary and pulled her into a hug. Clary hardly had any time to react, and stood there awkwardly while Tessa hugged her. She met her mother's eyes over Tessa's shoulders and her mother wore a smile and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Clary finally stepped out of the girl's warm embrace. "Who are you?" Clary's eyes checked Tessa Gray's bare arms and legs. There were no signs of Marks, faded or new. "You don't look like a shadowhunter." Tessa gave Clary a smile.

"You're right. I'm no shadowhunter," Tessa confessed. Jocelyn's bright green eyes grew wide and speculative.

"Tessa, that's not entirely true." Tessa turned back to face Jocelyn. A silent message passed between the two. Clary stared at them, utterly lost.

"Would someone like to tell me what's going on?" Clary asked, reminding them of her presence. Tessa turned back to Clary with a sweet grin.

"You must be so confused. Sorry, Clary," Tessa said.

Clary gave Tessa a small, forced smile and nodded. "It's fine."

"I am," Tessa began. "Half warlock and half shadowhunter." Clary's mouth dropped open. Jace had told her that wasn't possible. Shadowhunter blood was always dominant. Or so Jace had said.

"But how-"

"It's a long story," Jocelyn said cutting Clary off. "We don't have the time to explain it to you." Clary nodded, knowing it was no time for arguing.

"The point is," Tessa started, "I think I know where to find Jonathan." 

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