Chapter 3

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I ignore and don't look at my phone because I know it's Justin again. I go back to drawing a picture of the Eiffel Tower, a drawing that I started but never got around to finishing. About 10 minutes later I finish the drawing and start colouring it in. I then get another text. Ughhh what does Justin want? I look at my phone and realise that it isn't Justin. And the text I got 10 minutes ago wasn't him either. It was Jacob! I unlock my phone and smile.

*Via text*
"Hey Y/n :)"
"Oh hey Jacob!"

*Jacobs pov*
I finally had the guts to message her. I've been wanting to message her for ages now but I was too shy. I should've messaged her earlier though so we get more time to talk. I really like y/n!

"Wanna hang out tomorrow?" I ask her nervously.
"Sure, why not"
"Okay. Meet me at the local park at 3pm?"
"Yep. See you there"
"Bye cutie"

*Y/n pov*
I'm soo happy right now! I have a shower, brush my teeth and get ready for bed.

Friday, 23rd June

When I wake up I pick out what I'm going to wear for the day and lay it on my bed. I go down stairs to get breakfast and say good morning to my parents. I decide not to have a shower because I had one last night. I then put on my denim shorts, a black singlet, a light pink cardigan and black vans. After I finished putting some small love heart studs in my ears I check my phone for a bit. "One new text from Jacob" my phone read.

*Via text*
"Good morning beautiful!"
"Good morning Jacob :)"
"How was your sleep?"
"Good, I had the most amazing dream"
"Same. What was yours about?"
"Some cute guy I'm talking to right now"
"I miss you" ahh my heart instantly melted.
"I miss you too"
"Remember... 3 o'clock!" Jacob reminded me.
"How can I forget?" I send laughing at my phone.

*Via real life*
It's now 2:45pm and I should start getting ready. I fix my hair, put some mascara and perfume on, pop a mentos in my mouth and then I'm ready to go. It's about 2:51pm and I should probably head off. It's only a 10 minute walk so I decide to walk there. When I arrive I see Jacob sitting down on a park bench. I sneak up behind him and scare him

"You scared me!"
"That was my plan" I laugh and sit down next to him. I find myself getting caught in his gorgeous hazel eyes.
"I missed you" he said once again.
"I missed you too"
He then kisses me and I kiss back. It turns into a very passionate kiss but then I pull away and smile at him.
"That was amazing" he says blown away.
"It was" I blush and look down
"So I was wondering, do you want to come back to my house?"
"Sure! Just let me message my Mum and tell her where I'll be" I message her that instant saying I'm going to a friends house and I'll be back later. When I get to Jacobs house I notice no one is home. I ask him where everyone is and he says "my Mum and Dad are at work and my sister, Caroline, is at a party. So they all won't be back until late" Which that means we are home alone... yes!

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He sits on the lounge.
"Anything you want" I reply.
We go up to his room and lay down on his bed. We chose to watch 'If I Stay' and we are about half way through. I have my head resting on his chest. I can feel him looking down at me so I look up at him. Our eyes are staring into each other's. He leans in for a kiss. The kiss lasts about a minute until I need some air. I sit up and we begin to kiss more. I'm now on top of him and we are kissing passionately until I pull back.

"I'm getting a bit tired. I might go to sleep now"
"Okay me too. But do you want to change into one of my shirts and sleep in that rather than those clothes?"
"Okay" I get changed and come out of the bathroom.
"What?" I chuckle.
"You look hot in my shirt"
I blush. We lay back down in bed when Jacob looks at me...
"Hey Y/n?"
"Will you go out with me?"
"Of course I will!"

Saturday, 24th June

Okay so I ended up staying the night which I did message my Mum and ask if I could. I had the most amazing sleep and it felt so good waking up next to Jacob. I was so warm and cozy. I didnt want to get up but I had to leave and go home otherwise my parents would be wondering whos house I'm at. I slowly start getting out of bed, trying not to wake Jacob up but I feel someone pull me back down and kiss my neck.

"Jacob!" I say laughing. "I have to go home. My parents are going to be wondering where I am"
"Okay then. Want me to take you home?"
"No thank you, I'm alright" I smile
"Bye beautiful. Ill text you"

I quickly change out of Jacobs shirt and get my stuff together.

"Y/n! Where were you last night?!"
I instantly get scared.

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