Meet Mariana

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Marianas pov
What's up? I'm Mariana Marie Peterson. I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota and I'm 16 years old. I have never been popular I'm always on the outside I don't really have many friends besides my brothers and there barley my friends anyways. My brothers are twins Ty and Mason. Mason is sweet and kind and really cares about me. And Ty is kind of a jerk but I kinda have to love him he's my brother. I don't have my license yet I get it soon but Mason takes me everywhere unless my mom forces Ty or something. I live a normal life. Constantly fighting with my brothers and bickering with my parents. Life is ok. I get bullied at school but there's not much to that. Well now you know me. Let me just tell you what happened.

High School Mistakes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora