Chapter Seven.

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When I looked at her message a small chuckle escaped from my lips. I really wanted to laugh. When I met her she was the most phlegmatic girl I've ever seen. Someone spilled coffee on her shirt and she just waved her hand at it like it didn't matter.I  watched since then. Not like the stalker type of watching,I was in her class anyway so it wasn't really hard. She was always writing something and I knew it definitely weren't notes professor was saying to us. I discovered it were poems and stories and I was amazed by it. I slowly became obsessed by her personality,I wanted to see more sides of her than what she was showing to others. I heard about her writing machine in our collage hall and thats where my plan began.

"You didn't see me at all.Who has the advantage?"-World

Hello! Do you want more chapters from his side of view? All I can say is that he is photographer,but still not a stalker! Although he might want to look like it.XOXO

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