Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


It had been about a week since my last cut, and I craved another desperately. But I knew that I had to let the others heal for a while. Plus there was hardly room on my wrist. I could go farther up on my forearm, but I didn’t really like cutting there. I liked cutting on my wrist. I had tried cutting other places before, places that are easier to hide, but I always came back to my wrists. If I got desperate I would go to a spot underneath my breasts, but I’d like to think that I could hold out until my wrists had healed a bit.

My mind wandered every so often to that new boy I had shooed away from my tree, he seemed nice, he was really cute, and his eyes were curious and concerned the whole time I was speaking to him. But I knew nothing more could come of it, I probably couldn’t even befriend him. It would just be another person I was hurting. I caught myself daydreaming about telling him about my cutting, about everything, but I knew I was just going to get hurt if that happened. No one could ever love me. I’m broken. No one wants a broken toy. They want the new shiny ones. So I tried to keep any thoughts of him out of my head and my fantasies away.


I continued to eat lunch under “her” tree, every day. I was hoping that she would come back and I could have a proper chat with her, at least learn her name. I much preferred the quiet, calm of the courtyard to the noisy, chaotic hallways and cafeteria anyway. My thoughts drifted to her dangerously often. But I was so curious about her. She was so intriguing, such a mystery. I realized that I did not want to know more about her, and why she was so sad. I had to know more about her. I came to the conclusion that I don’t have a choice anymore. I have to talk to her!

I know it's really, really, really short, but I am almost done with the next chapter which is way longer, and will be uploaded soon!

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