Chapter Three *Rehearsal*

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Chapter 3*Rehearsal*

*The Next Morning*

*Still Beca' s P.O.V.*

The next morning, a rapid banging on my door awoke me from my slumber. My head was pounding but I managed to pull myself out of bed by sliding onto the floor. I held my head as it throbbed like crazy. I think I might have drank more than I anticipated last night. The banging on the door continued as I slowly pulled myself up off the floor.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I yelled. "Stop banging on the freaking door." I said under my breath as I turned the knob.

"Beca! It's about time!" Aubrey greeted me with an angered yell.

"Ow. Bre, please don't yell." I said as I walked over to my closet and pulled out fresh clothes.

"Really, Beca? You're having a hangover? I thought I told you not to get drunk last night!" Aubrey didn't change her tone or volume.

I pulled my dirty shirt off as I began to speak.

"Um, that you did but uh, you're not the boss of me Bre, so." I said then pulled a clean cami and shirt over my head.

"Just hurry and get dressed. I'll meet you in the rehearsal room." she said then walked out of my dorm.

I finished dressing and put a pair of sun glasses on as another knock sounded on the other side of the door. I rolled my eyes as I walked to the door. I opened it and what I saw quickly took my frown and turned it upside down. Jesse was standing on the other side of the threshold, also wearing sun glasses, and carrying two cups of Starbucks coffee.

"Coffee delivery." he said softly.

I leaned over and kissed him. As I pulled away I grabbed the coffee he had gotten me and pulled it away as well. I sipped it as he walked in and sat on my bed. He still has that habit of making himself at home. I grinned and rolled my eyes as I took a seat beside him. I set my cup on the shelf behind my bed and leaned into his body. He reached up and grabbed the sides of my sun glasses. I laid my hand on his to stop him as I spoke.

"Don't do that. The light will hurt my eyes."

"Then look into my eyes instead of the light." he said.

I smiled at his words and let him remove my glasses. He gently pulled them off my face and I pulled his off as well. We stared into each other's eyes as he gently pulled my hair away from my face. He cupped my cheek in his hand and rubbed it with his thumb. I let out an airy chuckle.

"What are you doing?" I asked.



"Because you're beautiful."

He began lightly tracing my face with his finger. He ran his finger carefully down the outline of my facial features. He started at my eye socket making his way down my nose then to my lips. When he reached my lips he gently ran his thumb over them then flipped my bottom lip down.

"Can you stop staring at my lips and just kiss them?" I asked.

He smiled and slowly leaned in. I want to kiss him so bad and he's moving so slow. I started leaning in as well, filling the gap between us quicker. Our lips finally met and when our tongue collided I felt that familiar fire ignite then make its way through my body. We started with a light kiss then it quickly deepened. Our breathing got faster and our kisses got fiercer and more passionate. Jesse wrapped his strong arms securely around my waist and I put my hands on the back of his head, one hand clinging to the hair on the nap of his neck and the other hand tangled in the hair on the top of his head. I moved myself around until I was perched on his lap.

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