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Ugh. Just could we not?! I have never met a player in my life. Neither has anyone in my family. I feel like they're more along the lines of a mythical creature than an actual thing. Like a unicorn. Or a motivated teen.

Basically what I'm classifying as a player is the dangerously hot boy, generally in a high school setting, that wears leather and drives a Harley motorcycle and sleeps around with everyone. He comes from a bad background-drugs, alcohol, abusive parents, the works-and skips class to smoke and such. Every girl secretly wants him, and most to be honest can score with him because he just doesn't care. 

Now I'm actually in high school this year (*coughterrifiedfreshmancough*) and our school building at least isn't the largest I've ever seen. (Now the number of kids in each grade is a different story. Far too many children.) Still, most faces I've seen once or twice, at least. And yet I've never seen anyone who fits this description. Nobody drives motorcycles because it's fucking cold at 6:00 in the morning, and very few wear leather due to the temperature of the building; leather, no matter how cool, does not protect one against the hypothermia-inducing temperatures of Concord High. There was this one guy with black and blue hair who wore a leather jacket and seemed pretty bad ass, but everyone was, like, terrified of him. So if they aren't realistic, why are they in our stories..?

Nobody knows!!!!

Also, it's not just the players themselves that bother me, it's the cliched love interests and plot lines that plague the stories they're in. It seems that every time there's this nerd, right? Pretty quiet as normal people go, not too popular-doesn't wanna draw attention to herself. And she and the player-usually named Jason or Luke or Damien or something-get paired together on this class project. And then they work together. And then they fall in love and shit.

(Rinse, repeat.)

It always seems to be a nerd and I just don't see it. Honestly as a nerd I can verify that we have no interest in dating a player or bad boy or whatever you wanna call it. I would rather bring home a boy that my father wouldn't call the cops on to be honest. Because why date someone you couldn't ever bring around family? 

This character has just become such a common archetype in teen fiction these days it's just over. Kinda how sayings like 'Are you picking up what I'm putting down' or 'You're the bee's knees' have gone out of style, so has the entire bad boy image.

OH THAT REMINDS ME. (Whoops got a little excited there.) They're constantly worried about their image! Because of course on the inside of every bad boy is a total sweetheart, right??? Wrong. You're an asshole. Nobody cares about how we view you, we're too wrapped up in our own little dramas. So go cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

On a random note, Trouble by Taylor Swift just came on. A song about a girl falling for a player. I am now going to slap a bit-person. Slap a person.


So, questions??? Comments??? I'm gonna go ahead and assume nobody has any concerns..? Comment and tell me; do you like players? Why or why not? Have you ever met one in real life and if so, were they anything like portrayed in stories?

And of course if you have a differing opinion, go ahead and tell me and I'll fight you to the death in the comment section!!

(I'm totally kidding pls don't hurt me you're probably a great person)

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