Joyriding // Part 6

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A/N: I'm sorry for the really late update. School has been cramming me with tests and getting me ready for graduation. I am a ball of pure stress and I need like a billion years of sleep and like 58 cups of coffee

(Holy canoli this is the longest chapter I've ever written I'm so proud of myself)


"So you're meant to tell me that you ended up being awkwardly man handled by another dude?" I asked Mikey when we both made our way towards the parks entrance, walking along the small trail that it had.

"No, that's not what I meant." Mikey laughed out, punching me in the arm.

"Yes it was." I replied, flicking him in the ear in order to bother him more. "That's exactly what you meant."

"Are you flirting with me, Iero?"


Luckily, Mikey knew I was playing around. He didn't swing that way so I was off the hook, maybe.

"You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself." He shoved me slightly, shaking his head.

"I'm good." I smiled, walking next to him again. I'm glad he didn't ask what happened to me not too long ago. I kept my promise though, I was gonna tell him later, not right now.

"What the hell is Ray doing anyway? It's been awhile," Mikey asked after a while.

"Don't know." I shrugged. He said that he had to do something real quick but that was a while ago, thirty minutes the latest. "Maybe his mom called or something."

"You know he'll tell us either way." He stated back, glancing around the park.

"Yeah, I know, it's just that he sounded like it was something really important." I shrugged. "I don't know, man, I'm just getting worried."

He patted my shoulder in a reassuring matter. "I am too, but on the bright side, at least we're not cooped up in the house. It's a nice day so let's just enjoy it until he comes back. You know he'll call."

"Alright." I smiled, suddenly racing for the playground that was now empty of small kids, their parents and screaming babies. "Race you to the swings!"

I think I caught Mikey off guard, causing him to react late. "C'mon, that's cheating!" He shouted from a distance, hearing his faint steps as he ran after me. I laughed, diving front first onto the closest swing, making me hover over the ground like Superman.

"Two out of three?" I asked once Mikey made his way to the swing next to mine, looking up at him.

"No, you caught me off guard, you ass." He huffed, using his legs to swing him back and forth. I snickered, dangling my arms as I copied him. "As small as you are, people could mistake you as a kid."

"Oh, shut up, Mikes." He laughed out. "I'm a 18-year-old punk midget who likes Halloween and dogs. What kind of child has a scorpion tattoo on their neck anyway?"

"It could be a temporary tattoo." He pointed out.

"Touché." He stayed quiet. I heard the quiet squeak of the chains as we both moved back and forth, the sound of birds chirping from a tree in the distance, the sound of passing cars every once in a while. It was relaxing, I felt at peace. No worries, no problems, nothing.

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