Chapter 6: The date

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Another day. Another early hour shift. Camille was working 9pm - 3am, she was starting to get used to them now.

It was 12am so Camille was lucky enough to be in the final hours of her shift. Cammie was sat at Maggie's desk filling out request forms when someone came up to the desk and shadowed over her.

"Dr Rhodes, may I speak with you a moment?" Dr Latham asked his voice monotonous as usual.

Putting her pen down Camille looked up the doctor. "Of course."

"Shall we walk?" The doctor suggested.

"Sure" Pushing the chair away from the desk and putting her glasses on the top of her head she walked around to meet the doctor.

"You may have noticed but I do not feel emotion as others do" The doctor asked as they rounded out of the ER.

Camille nodded carefully not sure where this was going.

"I admire your opinion Dr Rhodes, like your brother you are very well educated and seem to be a favourite amongst your colleagues. Something that I'm not"

"I'm still new Dr Latham. I'm still building my way up in the terms of respect" Camille shrugged.

"But despite that your colleagues have nothing but praise to share on your behalf. From the questions I have asked you are not only a great asset to the residents but your work ethic is one to be admired"

Camille didn't know what to feel about the fact Dr Latham had been asking questions about her. "That's appreciated"

"Your brother also admires you. Cares for you as his own child if you wish"

Not sure where this was going Camille nodded "Connor's been there for me from a young age so yes he has been my father figure"

"May I ask a question?" After the young doctor nodded he continued "I do apologise if I offend you Dr Rhodes but how have you earnt the respect from the staff of this hospital in a matter of weeks?"

It had been true. Camille had earnt the respect of everyone, from the orderlies to the administrative staff she was someone that brought life into the hospital.

"Can I speak freely?"

"Be my guest" The doctor encouraged.

Turning to stand in front of the doctor Camille began playing with her hands, ringing them as if they were a sponge.

"You- uh. People don't understand why you don't empathise or sympathiss with your patients"

"You don't need to show emotion in order to empathise Dr Rhodes" Dr Latham argued.

"No of course not." Camille sighed rubbing her temples, she had a headache coming on. "A facial expression or tone of voice can say a lot to a relative. It can either say that there's good news or that there's bad news."

"Surely if a facial expression maintained neutral then you would not give the relatives false hope." Dr Latham retorted.

"You are right but we also need compassion. When we notify a death to the family they need to know we did everything in our power to save the person they cared for. If we don't show this how are they to know we did everything we could, to them you may have just not been - sorry to say - bothered if they lived or died." Camille stated.

"Thank you Dr Rhodes. I value your opinion." The doctor thanked. "Have a good day Dr Rhodes"

Settling her head against the wall she groaned and slid down until she reached the floor lifting her knees closer to her chest.

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