Chapter 14: Turn your back

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Camille woke up groggy, her whole body ached. Pulling the cover off her small body she noticed she was in nothing but one of Kelly's t-shirts, slowly the memories of last night started coming back to her.

"Oh-god." She complained.

"What are you doing today?" Kelly greeted from the doorway where he watched Camille almost bolt upright in the bed. He had been stood there watching her sleep as he sipped on his coffee. He had woken up a few hours ago, he had already showered and been for a run that morning. He had the day off so he hadn't had to leave Cammie a note like he would usually have to do.

"Wallowing in self pity" She groaned. She eventually sat up slowly, clutching her head painfully. "I need painkillers" She could feel the unsettling feeling making her stomach turn.

Camille, with all her strength eventually pulled herself up from the bed. Attempting to kick a chucking Kelly in the process, who jumped back quickly at the movement.

"I'll put the coffee on" Kelly called back as he wandered back towards his kitchen, leaving Camille to throw on something to wear whilst she gathered her stuff to grab a quick shower to hopefully make the hangover less....intense.

Eventually out of the shower she rooted through a pile of clothes she had left, nearly everything was dirty. She settled for some clean jeans whilst she rooted through Kelly's clothes to find something relatively modest for her to wear. Shaking her head, Cammie moved towards the door and called. "Kelly? You got any girl's tops lying around here?"

Kelly, who had been making the coffee he promised Camille, snapped his head in her direction. He stalked quickly to his room, swinging himself around the door frame, his St. Florian bounced at the movement too. "Have I what?" He asked incredulously.

"Come on, Kelly. I've heard the stories." Camille chuckled.

Kelly bowed his head slightly. "Uh, yeah." He lifted his hand to the back of his neck, scratching it nervously. He moved passed Camille, towards his bed, pulling a box from beneath he shifted through it until he found what he was looking for. "Here, this should fit you."

Camille raised her eyebrows. "And who's is this? Your last bit on the side?" Catching the top Kelly threw to her, she quickly pulled it over her head. She heard Kelly sniff, as he shuffled with the box. Fixing the shirt, she looked back to the squad lieutenant. "Kelly?" He didn't reply and Cammie stood slightly unsure, looking down it suddenly clicked. "Shay." She guessed.

Kelly looked up, he was confused at first but the thought disappeared just as quick as he realised Dawson must have mentioned her.

She sat herself on the edge of Kelly's bed, tucking her hand under Kelly's chin whilst she used the other one to brush her hair from her own face. "You miss her."

"All the time." With tears in his eyes, Kelly looked up, "I wish you could have met her."

Camille smiled sadly, placing a soft kiss on Kelly's forehead. "Me too Kelly, Me too."


The pair had moved to Kelly's open living space after Cammie eventually got changed. She hadn't been able to eat much of the breakfast Kelly had made for her and instead found herself sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee as she and Kelly watched essentially anything that had been on. Kelly had tried to persuade her to go for a walk, to hopefully make her feel better, she quickly declined.

Kelly had jumped up to make a coffee when the sound of Cammie's cell rang throughout the apartment.

"Kelly get my phone." She called from the sofa, too invested in the TV programme she had been watching to get up. She had also been sure that if she got up she would have just fell straight back down.

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