"And saying that it doesn't matter. What happened here...? Why you did- it's uncalled for. I did everything you asked for 18 years. But when I tell you to stop you don't. You keep in going wanting to crush every bit of happiness I have."

"To be a robot and just work and make a living on that. That is not what I want to do mum. I want to experience stuff without you. Without your judging gaze and everything having to go your way."

"I am not coming home to that prison. You will be lucky if I even come home for Christmas." I finish and keep my stare on her as I see her stern look crumble at my words.

"And you ruined everything with Louis" my voice breaks when I say his name.

"He was the best thing that has happened. Even before graduating from Harvard"

I feel another tear fall as I turn around and leave the room with my words still hanging in their minds.


So back to the present I don't know what to-

The doorbell is heard throughout the house. I should go answer it but I don't want to move. The bell goes off again and I groan as I get up.

I feel my joints crack and pop from not moving at all from my bed. I didn't even get up to eat. I lost my appetite along with... Louis.

I stagger down the stairs in a daze. I don't look in the peep hole and just open the door.

I feel a sting on my cheek as I stager back at the impact. I look at the person at the door and see Niall and Zayn there glaring at me. I see Zayn is the one who punched me. I don't even bother gripping my jaw. I want to feel the pain.

I deserve it.

"You asswhole!" I her Niall yell at me.

I don't bother at replying as I feel one of them push me and I fall back.

I don't fight back. I lay there on the floor motionless as I stare up at the ceiling.

"Aren't you going to fight back styles?!" Zayn says

"What's the point?" I say "It doesn't matter... Nothing matters anymore"

I sit up and stagger up slowly as they stare at me not moving.

I open my arms towards them.

"Give me your worst. I deserve it anyway"

My sister barges in with bags of stuff in her hands. She went with her friends or something.

"Hey Haz I bought you something at-" that's when she notices Niall and Zayn and my red cheek.

"Uh did I miss something? Your cheek harry Jesus. I'll get you some ice. Don't move"

I don't look at her as I just stare back at them.

She leaves to the kitchen.

"So what? She your girlfriend? Wow you work fast styles" Niall says harshly.

"Ewe gross. She is my sister"

I see his cheeks tint a pink a bit as he clears his throat. Gem comes back with ice in a cloth and presses it in my cheek. She chuckles.

"Just like when you were in college remember?"

I huff "yes. How can I? Now I'm fine" I say pushing her away. "I have had worse. Remember? Now go I have stuff to discuss"


“Just go do something Gem” I say

She sighs but leaves.

The Two Of Us (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now