The End

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He passes her in the street, glancing at her but never really able to recognise her. She was a shell of the girl, who was once his best friend.

He races after her, grabbing her hand to stop her. She turns, tears already streaming, he can see how crushed she was. Eyes blacker with sadness, her skin so pale, it was almost translucent.

He cries as he holds her, hating himself for doing this to her. He was just like every other person in her life, who used and abused her, then left her to pick herself up.

He kisses her and she slaps him.

Swig, puff, swig, puff. Never breaking the pattern.

He's fucked up this time. And he doesn't have her to tell him how to fix it. He swore up and down that he walked away with good intentions. He didn't want to hurt her anymore, but instead of easing her pain, he increased it.

He killed his best friend.

He was worthless.


She sees him again today, both teetering on the edge of a cliff. They stare into each others eyes, trying to convey words they would never speak.

Their hands intertwined, they close their eyes.


Crimson collides with crimson. Red rivers meeting and pooling together. Bodies lying there, peaceful and at rest.
Broken hearts of regret, stopped, never to be felt again.

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