He suddenly felt an immense feeling of wanting to hide her in his embrace, shield her from the rest of the world and protect her from everyone.

He had no idea on why was he feeling that way. With a young girl at that and one who he literally just set his eyes upon.

By now, almost everyone had noticed the man in suit with his usual emotionless face walking in the café.

Of course they were curious on what the billionaire was doing here, but they didn't dare stared at him for too long for they knew on what the man was capable of doing.

He sat on one of the worn out booths and just simply let his gaze rest on the little angel standing next to the counter still talking with the boy.

He was curious about her.

He saw a customer came up to the counter to order something and the little angel stopped her talking and she smiled.

She smiled so beautifully that he felt his breath got knocked out of him.

When did he even started to feel?

That was when he knew what he wanted.

He wanted her to be the one to make him feel that warmth that he had been secretly craving for so long.

He wanted her to depend on him and him only as her family, friend and of course, her man.

He wanted her to only smile at him with those beautiful smile of hers.

He wanted to give every thing her little heart desired.

He wanted to give her all the love that she deserved.

He yearned for the sweet little angel to be his.

His heart swelled and longed for her as he kept on thinking about her.

He missed her suddenly. He wanted to contact her but she didn't have a cell phone. It's decided then, he would buy one for her.

Picking up the phone on his desk, he dialled his secretary Chris. "Buy the latest IPhone 7 in the rose gold colour and have it delivered to my Angel's home address. I want her to receive it today, no more later than an hour. Understood?"

"Understood sir."

"Good. One more thing, have the phone all set up and programed my number in it and tell her to call me as soon as she received it."

"Will that be all sir?"

"Yes that would be all."

"Have a good day sir."

"You too." With that he ended the call and abruptly stood up.


Micah had never expected her to forget about him, after all, he was her first ever friend.

With Angel still squirming in his arms, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I'm wounded that you seem to have forgotten about me baby doll."

Forgot him? What in the world was this creepy man talking about?

He tightened his grip on her waist which cause her to stop squirming and let out a whimper.

"Don't you remember sweetheart?"


Five years ago. ( You do the maths :) )

A loud knock rung throughout the house, startling the little girl who was doing her homework whilst humming a tone.

His AngelWhere stories live. Discover now