II: The Curious Case of the Lemon Tree

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Once upon a time, there was a large lake at the foot of the mountain Tenax. This lake was vast in size, deep and tranquil. It sustained all living; plants, animals, and anything in between.

Now, in the middle of this lake strangely stood a tall lemon tree. No one knew how the tree end up there, or how it even survived such watery habitat.

The frogs and fishes were perplexed and questioned their logic when they saw the tree the first time. Some managed a sound theory like it might have been swept by a strong current. Or some large mammal had a serious case of throwing things and the tree became the poor victim. Either way, it wasn't as odd as those who suggested that the tree swam and burrowed its roots to the lake's stoney and sandy ground.

At first, the tree was full of life. Its branches were thick with leaves and decorated with its yellow fruit. The tree seemed friendly too. It would wave its largest branch whenever someone or something passed in the way. It would drop one of its fruit too, early in the morning. The residents of the lake found it unusual since they knew that all trees were intelligent beings. Surely they knew that water creatures weren't fond of something big and sour. But then again, the old ones encouraged the young ones to just say thank you as it might be the only way the tree knew on how partake its part in the circle of life. Though they firmly believed that the lemon tree was an outcast and wasn't right in the head.

Many moons had passed, little by little the tree deteriorated. Its trunk and branches became dark brown old. Its leaves, one by one fell and the tree hasn't managed to replace those. Even the fruits have all fallen, except for one.

The residents of the lake became sad of what the tree had become. They tried to cheer the dying tree up by circling around and singing every morning. The young ones did some bubble play, because bubbles were funny. But the tree just stood there, unmoving, holding on to its last fruit.

It was one day, a strange new fish with a golden head came swimming in a hurry. The fish was screaming with fishy sound of excitement and sadness.

"My love, my love. I am here!" said the fish. It circled round and round the tree. It repeated the words until the tree somehow moved a little.

"My love, I came back as a fish as I predicted. I am here now, please say something."

The tree dropped the last fruit and opened its mouth to speak.

"Love, I have watched all the fishes that passed by, hoping that it might be you. But I am happy that you are finally here. Alas, it is my time to go. I saved this last fruit for you. I'm sorry my love."

The fish wriggled and swam back and forth. "Please don't say that, we can still be together."

But the tree did not reply, tears started to run down its trunk.

"Love, I will wait for you," said the fish now sobbing. "I will search for you, please tell me what would you be in the next life."

The tree on its last breath spoke, "Love, I will be a red rose on top of mount Tenax. I will come for you. Please wait for me." And with that, the tree dropped dead unto the lake's cold water.

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