Chapter Zero: Introduction

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It was winter and as per the usual, it was also 70 degrees and pouring down rain like it was afraid it wouldn't have a chance again. According to the time on my phone it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. The sky outside however would seem to disagree. It was dark and grey, not helped by the rain. I sat down on the bench inside and sighed. I wasn't going to leave here anytime soon.
A few other students, unlucky to drive and not brave enough to face it like me mulled about the hall of the school. After a bit of watching like a creeper, my phone vibrates angrily in my hand. A text appear on the screen:
"Where are you?"
I text back to my mom, who apparently had actually managed to not waste away at work until ungodly late hours for once. Good for her.
I return to staring out the windows, into the ugly canvas it framed. A darker grey shape walked slowly in the distance, awkwardly shuffling too long limbs. I blinked. And it was gone.
I groan and run my fingers through my thick brown hair. A few loose strands fall onto the floor in front of me and onto the Fire Emblem Echoes t-shirt that was 100 percent a legal product and not made by myself. It was peeling after only 3 wears. Lose khaki pants and worn out tennis shoes rounded out my GQ worthy look.
"Meet at C's"
I nod instinctively at the text from Sune, like zie could even see that. Though after what we saw last weekend, I wouldn't be surprised.
Nor would I be if that thing outside in the rain was real.
"Rain just let up. Leaving Now!"
"K. 😊"
I pocket my phone, un-pocket my keys, toss up my hood, strap on my backpack and make a mad dash for my car, a 2006 Lincoln Zephyr, which grey paint blended well into the general look of the town at that moment.
After a few minutes of driving I arrived safely and soundly at the way to big for anyone to live in and make full use of it House that my childhood and best friend Cara lived in. Both her and Sune were outside to greet me, hiding from the rain on the front deck. I locked the car and dashed over to them.
"Slow as usual, Wes." Cara said, her black hair frizzed and unkempt. She was wearing a leather jacket and a tank top with tight jeans and leather boots. Her dark skin was covered in Art Class, and her shirt with the hot dog she had for lunch.
"I'm careful when driving, unlike some people I know."
"I know you can't be talking bout me." She retorted.
"Well I can't be talking about Sune, zie can't even drive."
"Zie could if zie wanted to."
"But I don't." Replied Sune, in zir strangely childlike voice. Sune wore a head band with yellow cat ears, which blended in with zir blonde hair. A sports bra, that did nothing was underneath and open long sleeve collared shirt, sleeves to long for the arms they contained. Sune's beach sand colored skin was only marred by a tattoo of a cat on zir left shoulder. It was an ugly tattoo, as both Cara and I could attest.
From the front door Daniel, Cara's father, chides us, "Are you three trying to catch a cold? Get out of that rain and go hang out upstairs."
Like always Cara's room is a disaster area, like a tornado had flown around the room at least 6 times.
We plopped onto the California King bed.
"So, why'd you want me over? Are you finally become sexual and wanted to break the news?" I jest.
"If I wanted to have sex I wouldn't do it with you, dickwad." She rolled her eyes and flipped me the bird.
Sune shook zir head at me, "What exactly do you think?"
"Perhaps the fact Mister Carnelian decapitated himself in public and was alive the next day with no one remembering the event despite video evidence and that giant blood stain."
Cara nodded, "Plus that creepy laughing lady in the park."
"And that giant hermit crab that chases kids by the elementary." Sune adds.
"Well, what about them?" I ask.
"What do you mean, 'what about them'?" Cara responds.
"I mean it could be ptsd from... ya know."
"PTSD doesn't chase you with a knife."
"I mean I have no reference to base an argument against that on, so sure."
"Sure, all three of us could have the same hallucinations." Said Sune.
"Unless we had whatever drugs the Cult was taking I doubt it." Cara smiled, leaning against the headboard.
Sune was sitting cross legged in the middle and I was on my stomach beside zir.
"Well, that's done." I say.
"Not like we have much to talk bout on that subject." Cara replies. "Wanna watch a movie?"
We shrug in reply. And so begins our tale. That was the last weekend we'd spend in such peace for a long, long, long time. Not counting the holiday specials and so on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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